TechF-16 fighters: Ukraine's anticipated edge against Russian aerial might

F‑16 fighters: Ukraine's anticipated edge against Russian aerial might

Images source: © Alex Beltyukov, Lic. CC BY 3.0

26 April 2024 18:03

Ukrainian military expert Petro Chernyk believes that F-16 fighters will be important, perhaps even key, reinforcements for their army. In his view, American fighters, whose capabilities, in cooperation with the right equipment, will help repel the current large-scale destruction by Russian Su-34 bombers.

The invaders used Su-34s to drop bombs on Ukrainian positions, including several hundred pounds of KABs (glide bombs), which analysts from the DeepState profile on Telegram referred to as "wonder weapons" some time ago. Petro Chernyk is another expert who sees F-16 fighters as a salvation against the KABs. At the same time, he points to their armament, which may prove to be essential.

F-16s will help repel the Russians

The Ukrainian explained that when the Su-34 was identified, it would be doomed. It may evade one, but certainly not two or three F-16s. Several F-16s can work together to shoot down several enemy Su-34s, adding that the F-16 equipment with AIM-120 AMRAAM will be important.

AIM-120 AMRAAM are air-to-air guided missiles. Their range depends on the version, most often about 100 kilometres, but newer versions allow hitting targets up to even about 160 kilometres away. An F-16 can simultaneously carry six such missiles. On the other hand, the Su-34s used by the Russians launched the mentioned aerial bombs from 40 kilometres to a maximum of about 70 kilometres.

Problems with F-16 supplies for Ukraine

Compared to the currently used Ukrainian aviation, F-16 fighters can carry a wider range of weapons, have better sensors and self-defence systems, and, as Ukrainian pilots participating in F-16 training emphasize, encourage "aggressive flying" and provide a maximum speed of up to two times the speed of sound (over 2092 kph).

The problem for Ukrainians may not be the capabilities of the F-16s but the delayed deliveries of these fighters. Although Western allies have declared that they will send dozens of units to the front, deliveries will start as soon as possible this summer and will initially only include a few units.

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