EU Commissioner Schmit on striking labor market balance with Ukraine and Moldova
The EU Commissioner for Employment, Nicolas Schmit, discussed the current state of the EU labour market, specifically focusing on the impact of Ukraine and Moldova. Schmit emphasizes that the European Union cannot afford to drain these countries of their young workforce, as it would be detrimental to their economies.
Nicolas Schmit shines a light on challenges facing the EU labor market, such as shortages of labor and skilled workers. He notes the importance of investing in skill development and encouraging women and young people to join the labor market.
The Commissioner in the interview also touches on EU measures in response to the pandemic, including the introduction of the SURE instrument designed to preserve jobs and stabilize the labor market, and he highlights the necessity for the EU to become more energy-independent, pointing out the opportunities in the renewable energy sector.
One topic of discussion was the need for balanced relations between EU countries, Ukraine, and Moldova. Schmit stresses the importance of investing in skill development and labor market stability in the EU, part of which involves preventing the emigration of young workers from these countries, considering it detrimental to the economies of the EU member states.
It's not an option for us to deplete the Ukrainian or Moldovan workforces to fill gaps in the EU - we must keep a balance, and these individuals should contribute to strengthening their own economies. - Schmit notes in a statement.
Schmit sees an opportunity for the European Union and Ukraine through its potential inclusion. He also stresses that understanding the challenges posed by the accession of new member states is crucial:
The expansion itself is definitely going to significantly boost the development across all of Europe. For instance, the reconstruction of Ukraine, which is poised to create thousands of jobs there and in the EU. Being cognizant of the challenges - as is the case in agriculture - related to the accession of new states is necessary - said EU Commissioner for Employment Nicolas Schmit in an interview.