NewsDrones target multiple regions in Russia, causing casualties and fires

Drones target multiple regions in Russia, causing casualties and fires

Mass drone attack on Russia
Mass drone attack on Russia
Images source: © TG

20 April 2024 08:19, updated: 20 April 2024 15:45

Drones attacked Russia. Explosions were reported in the Smolensk, Bryansk, Kursk, Kaluga, Ryazan, Tula, and Belgorod regions. Fires broke out in many places. There are casualties.

As reported by the Governor of the Belgorod region, Viacheslav Gladkov, in the village of Poroz, "as a result of dropping explosive charges from a drone on a residential building, two people died". A woman and a man were killed in the attack. Their son managed to escape from the burning building.

Mass drone attack on Russia

The Governor of the Kaluga region reported that "in the evening, as a result of a drone explosion in the area of an electrical substation, the energy infrastructure was slightly damaged". "There were no casualties. Emergency services are on the scene, repairing the damage," he informed Telegram.

Drones fell on a substation in Wygonichy in the Bryansk region. According to Baza, based on residents' reports, 5-6 explosions were heard before the fire.

Governor Alexander Bogomaz wrote, "there were no interruptions in the power supply". He also claims that five drones were shot down.

Two drones were shot down over the Kursk region. There is no information about damages. The Russian air defense was also activated in the Ryazan and Tula regions.

Fire in the Smolensk region

In the Smolensk region, as a result of a drone attack, a fire broke out at a fuel and energy plant. Governor Vasily Anokhin conveyed that air defense "shot down drones," but the debris "fell on a container with fuel and lubricants."

"Currently, the Ministry of Emergency Situations teams are working on the site, extinguishing the fire. We are gathering information about casualties. Special services and relevant authorities are investigating this situation. We ask residents to remain calm," reads the governor's statement.

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