NewsBlinken in Paris: A plea for urgent aid to Ukraine amid increased tensions

Blinken in Paris: A plea for urgent aid to Ukraine amid increased tensions

Antony Blinken during a visit to the Nexter factory in Versailles, which produces self-propelled howitzer guns Caesar.
Antony Blinken during a visit to the Nexter factory in Versailles, which produces self-propelled howitzer guns Caesar.
Images source: © PAP | YOAN VALAT
ed. TOS

3 April 2024 09:48

Ukraine is at a "critical moment," said U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken on Tuesday in Paris. He appealed to American politicians to approve a new aid package for Kyiv, worth billions of dollars.

Speaking of a "critical moment," Blinken stressed that it is "necessary" to supply the Ukrainian forces "with everything they need,", particularly in terms of ammunition and air defence capabilities. During a joint press conference with French Defense Minister Sebastien Lecornu, Blinken appealed for the U.S. Congress to approve Kyiv's military and financial aid package as quickly as possible.

In February, the U.S. Senate passed a $95 billion aid package for Ukraine, Israel, and the Indo-Pacific states, but it has still not been enacted by the House of Representatives.

France increases Caesar production

Antony Blinken and Sebastien Lecornu visited the Nexter facilities in Versailles on Tuesday. Nexter produces, among other things, the Caesar self-propelled howitzers supplied to the Ukrainian army. "The production capacity has significantly increased from two to six monthly units. We plan to increase production to up to 12 guns per month in the future," said Lecornu.

Last week, Minister Lecornu said that he does not rule out prioritizing military orders in the industry. As he explained, such an action would strengthen the French army and provide it with means to support Ukraine. Lecornu announced that France, with the support of Denmark, will deliver 78 Caesar howitzers to Ukraine and provide 40 tonnes (around 80,000 units) of 155 mm calibre ammunition by the end of this year.

He also assured that all actions are legally grounded and can be undertaken if orders are delayed. He noted that he does not exclude "further actions in this direction in the coming weeks." Lecornu emphasized that military and financial expenditures to support Ukraine are necessary and justified.

Plans to meet with Macron

On Tuesday evening, after the meeting with Lecornu, Antony Blinken will meet with French President Emmanuel Macron to discuss the most important international crises, including Ukraine and the Middle East. Reuters agency notes that shortly before Blinken's arrival in France, employees of the American humanitarian organization World Central Kitchen (WCK) were killed in the Gaza Strip in an Israeli bombardment.

Before visiting the Elysee Palace, the U.S. Secretary of State will meet with French Foreign Minister Stephan Sejourne. From France, Blinken will head to Belgium.

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