EntertainmentBillions of hallucinogen-infected cicadas set to swarm the US: what's the danger?

Billions of hallucinogen-infected cicadas set to swarm the US: what's the danger?

Zombie cicadas will attack the USA.
Zombie cicadas will attack the USA.
Images source: © Canva

5 February 2024 20:22, updated: 7 March 2024 09:15

The cicadas found within the United States belong to a group of insects from the order of true bugs, also categorised as "cicadas". There are several species of cicadas in the USA, the most renowned being the 17-year and 13-year cicadas. These names refer to the duration of time the larvae remain underground before emerging. A defining trait of these insects is their synchronised appearance every few years. Adult cicadas break free from the earth in such large numbers to ensure the preservation of their species.

Zombie cicadas swarm the United States

The year 2024 holds a unique significance in the lifecycle of cicadas. This is due to synchronising two species' emergence - the 17-year and the 13-year cicadas. The previous occurrence of such an event was in 1803, and it isn't expected to repeat for another 221 years. This May, we will witness this extraordinary spectacle as billions of these insects begin to tunnel out from the ground.

The title of this article may initially seem like clickbait. However, this is not the case. Most cicadas due to emerge in the United States this year will be infected with the Massospora fungus. This fungus belongs to the entomopathogenic species, or in simpler terms, a type that attacks insects. The fungus infiltrates cicadas underground while they are still in their larval form. Massospora induces several transformations in the insects, such as complete body decay and behavioural manipulations that compel the cicadas to distribute the fungal spores. It's all thanks to certain hallucinogenic compounds such as psilocybin, also found in hallucinogenic mushrooms and derivatives of amphetamine.

Zombie cicadas will attack the USA
Zombie cicadas will attack the USA© Canva

Thankfully, large congregations of cicadas do not pose a danger to either humans or other animals. These insects do not bite or wreak havoc on crops. However, the sheer mass of these swarms can interfere with airplane flights, as they are so dense they can show up on radars.

Source: TikTok: Doctor from TikTok

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