Biden stumbles in debate as Trump capitalizes on blunders
The first televised debate between Biden and Trump is now over. Before the clash between these two politicians, there were numerous concerns. The incumbent president lost his train of thought several times. Biden's severe blunder occurred as early as the 12th minute of the debate.
During Thursday's debate, President Joe Biden faced numerous challenging moments. The incumbent president sometimes took too long to find his words, giving Donald Trump the opportunity for direct attacks. This debate, which raised concerns among Democrats about Biden's suitability to run for office, saw the first grave mistake by Biden occurring just after 12 minutes.
As " The Sun" notes, Joe Biden had a challenging task. This debate was meant to silence voices that the incumbent president is too old to seek re-election. Biden's condition was not the best. His voice was hoarse. He frequently cleared his throat, stammered, and often apologised, trying to find the right words. It was pointed out that Biden looked like he had a cold.
In response to a question about Medicare — a social insurance programme managed by the US administration — Biden committed a serious blunder that will likely haunt him throughout the campaign.
"We've been making sure we are able to make every single person eligible what I've been able to do with the Covid, excuse me, everything we have to do with...look... I finally beat Medicare..." - said Biden.
Trump seized the opportunity
Following Biden's words, debate moderator Jake Tapper thanked him for his response and turned to Donald Trump, giving him the chance to speak. The former president took the opportunity to attack his opponent.
"Well, he’s right. He did beat Medicare. He beat it to death and is destroying Medicare, because all of these people are coming in, they’re putting them on Medicare" — said Trump.
This wasn’t Biden's only gaffe, as he is seeking re-election. Another serious misunderstanding occurred when he mentioned the number of billionaires in America and the situation at the border. Trump mercilessly pointed out Biden's mistakes, not missing a chance to attack his opponent.
"I really don't know what he said at the end of that sentence. I don't think he knows what he said either" — Trump stated at one point.
Biden's appearance will not silence concerns about whether his health is good enough for him to retake office.