LifestyleBeware the danger triangle: Skincare mistakes that could risk your health

Beware the danger triangle: Skincare mistakes that could risk your health

Everyone dreams of having flawless skin. Some people attempt to eliminate imperfections on their own, such as by squeezing spots, which dermatologists strongly advise against due to the potential for serious repercussions.

The "triangle of death" is located on the face.
The "triangle of death" is located on the face.
Images source: © Adobe Stock | Khaletski Siarhei\

Many of us are fortunate enough to have beautiful, healthy, and radiant skin. Skin free from wrinkles and blemishes is not only a mark of youth but also of good health. However, not everyone is this lucky. Acne can appear even later in life, prompting the need for effective solutions to address it.

One of the most critical areas of our face is the so-called "danger triangle." This area requires special attention and strict adherence to proper skincare guidelines. If unwanted spots appear in this region, they should not be squeezed. Doing so can lead to health risks and, in extreme cases, even life-threatening situations.

The "danger triangle" is located in the central part of the face

People of all ages, not just teenagers, contend with spots appearing on their faces, backs, or shoulders. Individuals across these age groups often attempt to remove imperfections mechanically, for instance, by using their hands. Experts caution against this, particularly within the facial region connecting the nose to the corners of the mouth, the so-called "danger triangle." While this area may seem small, its importance to health is substantial. Why is it crucial not to squeeze spots in this region?

This area is the so-called "triangle of death".
This area is the so-called "triangle of death".© Pexels | Anna Nekrashevich, Canva

New York dermatologist Dr Mark Strom, posting on TikTok under the name "dermarkologist," highlights the risks associated with this area. It turns out that this region is "particularly dangerous" due to the close connection of its blood vessels to the brain.

An infection in the "danger triangle" can rapidly spread through the facial and ophthalmic veins connected to the cavernous sinus inside the skull. An infection here could lead to significant health issues, including cavernous sinus thrombosis, nerve palsy (paralysis), and even death. Moreover, a scar from squeezing a spot may be more difficult to remove than the blemish.

How to better take care of your skin?

First and foremost, it's important to focus on daily skincare. Regular facial cleansing and moisturising help maintain the skin in good condition. It's advisable to use mild cosmetics for this purpose, which do not irritate the epidermis and provide optimal conditions for regeneration.

Another crucial element is a diet rich in vitamins and minerals. Eating fruits, vegetables, and whole grain products can have a positive impact on the skin. Specialists suggest reducing sugar and processed foods, such as crisps, sugary drinks, and instant soups.

One of the key elements is reducing excess stress, for example, through relaxation techniques like meditation. Introducing new habits, using natural essential oils for baths, or engaging in regular physical activity can help alleviate tension, effectively contributing to the fight against imperfections.

If spots persist, recur, and prove difficult to treat, it may be wise to consult a dermatologist. A specialist can recommend suitable therapies or medications tailored to the specific needs of your skin.

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