Avoid these nail colours after 50: How manicures can accentuate signs of ageing
Collagen is the principal building protein. It makes up one third of all the proteins found in our bodies. Its responsible for the firmness, smoothness, and moisturising of the skin. From around the age of 25, collagen levels gradually begin to reduce, leading to the first signs of ageing becoming increasingly noticeable.
The skin on our hands ages unusually quickly. Discolorations and fine wrinkles start to form, which over time evolve into grooves. The wrong choice of manicure can actually accentuate this. What nail colours should one avoid after turning 50? We'll clarify this further.
Nail colours that age you: steer clear of these
French, ombre, baby boomer, chrome nails — there's a wealth of options available. Nail styling has never been more advanced than it is now. Many women go for professional stylists. With good reason, as meticulously groomed nails are a decoration for the hands.
Bold styles are best suited to young and firm hands. Certain shades might bring discolourations, tiny veins, or wrinkles into sharp relief. These include pastels and neons. Yellow and orange polish will unflatteringly emphasise all discolouration and cause the skin to look grey and dull.
If small veins have begun to show on your hands, steer clear of grey, blue and purple polishes. These colours will do nothing more than accentuate them. Also try to avoid all cool and pearly shades.
Selecting a nail colour? Opt for classic
Colour isn't everything. Nails should primarily be well-kept — much like our hands. Begin your styling by soaking your hands, then push and trim the cuticles. Shape the nail plate to your preference. Only after this, should you proceed to painting.
Pondering on which colour to pick? Go classic. Red, pink, beige or milky nails complement any style. These are safe shades that don't draw attention to wrinkles or discolorations. Don't forget about regular hand moisturising. Choose creams that contain hyaluronic acid or collagen. These ingredients restore the skin's softness, smoothness, firmness and liquidity.