TechAntarctic 'pyramid' and 'doors' debunked as natural ice formations

Antarctic 'pyramid' and 'doors' debunked as natural ice formations

Mysterious discovery in Antarctica
Mysterious discovery in Antarctica
Images source: © Google Maps
Norbert Garbarek

15 October 2024 12:49

The IFL Science portal reports a conspiracy theory concerning a mysterious find in Antarctica circulating on social media. Some internet users perceive it as giant "doors" that might lead to a supposed pyramid hidden in the glacier.

The alleged pyramid hidden in the ice of Antarctica is not a new concept. The "enigmatic" structure was spotted in 2016 on Google Earth. For some, it seemed obvious that the satellite images depicted a pyramid built by humans and concealed deep within the ice, with only a slightly protruding peak.

Doors to the interior of Antarctica?

A few years later, seekers of strange objects on Google Earth claimed to have found something resembling doors leading into the depths of Antarctica, as per IFL Science. The discovery was quickly linked to the mysterious pyramid identified a few years earlier. However, to the disappointment of conspiracy theory enthusiasts, the giant "doors" found southeast of the Showa Station are something entirely different.

While some Reddit users commenting on the find speculated that "it might be some underground entrance to a base," the reality is much simpler. In the satellite images, blocks of ice are visible. Interestingly, more such objects are visible near the "doors." Conspiracy theory enthusiasts effectively discovered a solitary piece of ice.

It should also be clarified that the previously mentioned hidden pyramid in the glacier was entirely different. German geologist Dr Mitch Darcy explained this in a conversation with IFL Science. “By definition, it is a nunatak, which is simply a peak of rock sticking out above a glacier or an ice sheet. This one has the shape of a pyramid, but that doesn’t make it a human construction,” stated the expert, confirming that usually, the simplest explanations prove to be true.

More similar "doors" in Antarctica
More similar "doors" in Antarctica© Google Maps
"Pyramid" found in Google Earth
"Pyramid" found in Google Earth© Google Maps