NewsAmerican activist planned international 'human shield' in Ukraine

American activist planned international 'human shield' in Ukraine

He attempted to kill Trump. Media: he was at the station in Przemyśl
He attempted to kill Trump. Media: he was at the station in Przemyśl
Images source: © East News,
Mateusz Czmiel

25 September 2024 16:39

An American man, charged with attempting to kill former US President Donald Trump, told a Swedish photojournalist at a Polish train station in the spring of 2022 about his plans to build an international village in Kyiv that would serve as a human shield, reported the newspaper "Dagens Nyheter" on Wednesday.

According to Kevin Chang, a collaborator of the Swedish newspaper, 58-year-old Ryan Routh stood out among the people passing through the station. He was very moved by what happened in Ukraine, confident in his support, but at the same time dismayed by the situation in the world, Chang noted.

During a half-hour conversation, Routh discussed creating an international tent city in Kyiv to serve as a human shield. He was looking for volunteers and flags of various countries for this purpose.

- We need thousands of civilians from every country arm in arm in the centre of Kyiv, saying: this is not right. If Putin is OK with killing Ukrainians then he needs to kill people from other countries as well. He can start with me - Routh explained to the photojournalist.

Photo on Instagram

Photojournalist Chang took a picture of Routh in the station hall, which he later published on his Instagram and in "Dagens Nyheter." The American posed with a US flag and a Hawaiian flower lei around his neck.

Chang exchanged email contacts with Routh, during which the American promised to send more photos. Communication ceased after Routh left for Ukraine.

Investigation in the USA

American investigators determined that Routh spent 12 hours near Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago estate in Florida. At 18:00 GMT on 15 September, he attempted to shoot the former president with an automatic rifle while hiding behind thick hedges. He was scared off by Secret Service agents and tried to escape by car but was quickly apprehended.

Investigators found a handwritten letter from Routh stating his intention to kill Trump. Data from his mobile phone indicated that he had been in Florida since 18 August and frequently appeared near the candidate's residence for this year's US presidential election.