FoodA foolproof recipe for croquette crepes that won't let you down

A foolproof recipe for croquette crepes that won't let you down

The pancakes for croquettes must be prepared in the appropriate way.
The pancakes for croquettes must be prepared in the appropriate way.
Images source: © Canva | Iko636

5 July 2024 16:22

Preparing crepes for croquettes is not difficult, but without the right recipe, you're at a loss. It's worth noting that these crepes are somewhat different from the classic ones served with jam and cheese. A good recipe is the key to tasty croquettes and... saving your shirt.

There's nothing worse than falling-apart croquettes. It's not so bad when you're eating them over a dry plate. In the worst-case scenario—often during holidays—a torn piece of crepe lands with an impressive "splat" in a bowl of red borscht. You probably know what that means: a micro flood after which your white shirt will never recover. But what if we don't have to be doomed to such events?

When I discovered that crepes for croquettes need to be prepared differently from regular crepes with cheese, I began searching for a reliable recipe. Fortunately, I found one quickly and tested it, and I can honestly say this method works. The crepes are flexible yet durable, fluffy but not breakable.

The whole trick is... butter and a bit of patience. Below, I'll present the recipe I use when making croquettes. Good luck!

Crepes for croquettes


  • 125 grams of plain flour,
  • 235 millilitres of milk,
  • 175 millilitres of sparkling water,
  • 2 large eggs,
  • 3 tablespoons of melted butter,
  • a pinch of salt.


  1. Melt the butter and set it aside to cool.
  2. Place the flour and salt in a bowl. Crack the eggs, and combine everything with the sparkling water and milk using a mixer. Now, set the prepared batter aside for 15 minutes. This time is necessary for the gluten to start its "work." This will determine the flexibility of the crepes.
  3. Now add the cooled butter and blend everything once more. Done! You can start frying the crepes. Heat oil and fry the crepes on both sides until golden brown. After that, you must prepare the filling, roll them up, and your croquettes will be dreamy!
Pancakes will be flexible and durable.
Pancakes will be flexible and durable.© Canva | Ja_Het