FoodWhy you should think twice before eating this fish

Why you should think twice before eating this fish

Butterfish - Deliciousness
Butterfish - Deliciousness
Images source: © Adobe Stock

12 August 2024 14:18

Fish are integral to a healthy diet, providing the body with essential nutrients such as vitamins and omega-3 fatty acids. However, not all species of fish are suitable for us. Some, even though they are available on the shelves of shops and supermarkets, can be harmful and even dangerous to health.

It might seem that fish can only bring benefits. Eating fish is recommended due to their flavour and nutritional value. They are a source of many essential health nutrients, such as vitamins and omega-3 fatty acids. However, not all fish are equal. We have long known that pangasius is among those to avoid, and in response to growing consumer awareness, it is found less frequently in stores. The situation differs for butterfish, which still enjoys recognition among sushi enthusiasts. Why should we exclude it from our diet?

Why should you avoid butterfish?

Butterfish is a popular species with consumers, but unfortunately, it harms health. Regular consumption of butterfish can lead to health issues. The reason for this is the presence of ester derivatives, which are not digested by the human body. It is worth noting that under the name "butterfish," there are three different species—escolar, oilfish, and rudderfish.

Butterfish (ryba maślana) has been withdrawn from sale in Italy and Japan, although in Poland it is still sometimes recommended as a sushi ingredient.
Butterfish (ryba maślana) has been withdrawn from sale in Italy and Japan, although in Poland it is still sometimes recommended as a sushi ingredient.© Flickr

In addition to containing ester derivatives, butterfish is also characterised by a high fat content—up to 21 per cent. Although the meat of these fish is tasty, almost 90 per cent of the fat it contains are paraffin esters, which are not digested by the human body. Excessive butterfish consumption can lead to various ailments, such as gastrointestinal pains, vomiting, diarrhoea, headaches, and heart issues.

These individuals should completely avoid it

Everyone should limit their consumption of butterfish. However, some individuals should completely avoid it. These groups mainly include pregnant women and individuals with intestinal problems and poor nutrient absorption.

Butterfish should not be served to children.
Butterfish should not be served to children.© Getty Images

If you decide to consume it, do so rarely and preferably in cooked form. Cooking removes a greater amount of harmful fat. It is also important for products containing butterfish to be properly labelled, indicating preparation methods and potential health risks.

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