NewsUN reports child casualty figures soar in Gaza amid ongoing Israel-Hamas conflict

UN reports child casualty figures soar in Gaza amid ongoing Israel-Hamas conflict

Thousands of children killed. The frequency at which they die has been reported.
Thousands of children killed. The frequency at which they die has been reported.
Images source: © East News | AA/ABACA
Maciej Zubel

18 April 2024 18:08

The drawn-out conflict between Israel and Palestine continues to exact a devastating toll. In a report by UNICEF, it was stated that nearly 14,000 children have suffered fatalities over the past six months, emphasizing a grim reality where "every ten minutes a child dies or is injured," according to the UN's alarming notice.

The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) further disseminated this alarming statistic through social media, highlighting the crisis's gravity.

UNRWA's statement underscored the dire state of affairs: "The ongoing conflict in Gaza is essentially a war on children. Per UNICEF's findings, close to 14,000 children perished in Gaza in the last six months, with over 12,000 sustaining injuries. A child's life is lost or marred by injury every 10 minutes," they reported.
"The highest price is always paid by the children," the Agency remarked in their message, issuing a call for an immediate ceasefire in the skirmish between Israel and Hamas.

Hamas Attack on Israel

An attack from the Palestinian organization Hamas triggered the Israeli military's actions in the Gaza Strip. On October 7, 2023, a terrorist onslaught occurred in southern Israel, resulting in the death of over 1,200 individuals and the abduction of more than 240 persons to the Gaza Strip.

In a counterstrike, the Israeli forces targeted sites linked to Hamas. The operations conducted by Israel, as reported by the health ministry of the Gaza Strip, have led to the deaths of over 33,700 Palestinians, with women and children constituting two-thirds of those deceased.

Moreover, Israel has imposed limitations on the flow of humanitarian assistance into the Gaza Strip.

Source: PAP/WP News

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