Uber Eats revolutionises grocery delivery with real-time courier chat
Uber Eats is planning significant changes in the delivery of grocery products. Thanks to these changes, customers will be able to contact couriers while they are shopping for them in the store.
This initiative aims to encourage users to order groceries. According to the portal wiadomoscihandlowe.pl, these deliveries account for 14% of Uber Eats' revenues. Moreover, such orders have doubled over the past two years.
What's new at Uber Eats: Real-time connection with the courier
The new features of the Uber Eats app were presented at a press conference in London. Portal retaildetail.eu reports that their aim is to improve service quality and turn couriers into "personal assistants."
As part of the new service, customers can connect in real-time with an Uber Eats courier heading to the supermarket to fulfill their order. This allows customers to continuously update their shopping lists and coordinate with the courier if a specific product is unavailable.
Additionally, the Uber Eats courier will be able to send photos to the customer to confirm if they have chosen the correct item.
These new features are already operational in the USA, and now the company is introducing them in Europe. They were first launched in the United Kingdom, but other countries are also in the plans.
"We are launching new products like Courier Pick and Pack, which we believe will change the way that people shop for groceries," said Susan Anderson, head of Uber Eats Retail & Grocery in an interview with retail-week.com.