FoodThe Christmas tradition: Crafting the perfect dumplings

The Christmas tradition: Crafting the perfect dumplings

Christmas Eve dumplings are a culinary symbol of Christmas in many homes. How can you make traditional dumplings with mushrooms? Use this recipe.

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Christmas Eve dumplings are a staple on the holiday table, enjoying unwavering popularity for generations. These small dumplings filled with aromatic mushroom stuffing, served with hot borscht, create an unparalleled flavour combination. Their preparation is about taste and family tradition, cultivating which gives the holidays a special character.

In different corners of the world, you can encounter various versions of this holiday classic, from traditional dumplings with mushrooms to those stuffed with cabbage and even sweet versions with poppy seeds; each region adds a bit of its own tradition to the recipe, creating countless variations on this unique dish.

How to make dumplings? Recipe

The preparation of dumplings begins with gathering the right ingredients. The basic dough requires simple ingredients: wheat flour, eggs, and water, which, combined in the right proportions, create an elastic and delicate dough. Dried forest mushrooms—porcini or bay boletes—are essential for the filling, giving the dumplings an invaluable aroma and deep flavour. Additionally, you'll need onion, butter, and salt and pepper for seasoning.

You might also consider adding a few ingredients to enhance the dish's flavour. A pinch of marjoram or some breadcrumbs to the filling can make it easier to shape and even more aromatic. When preparing dumplings, you can also think about alternative fillings. For those who like to experiment, a cabbage or sweet poppy seed filling can be an interesting variation for the holiday dinner.

Recipe for dumpling dough

How to make dough for dumplings? To prepare the dough for dumplings, you need 1 kilogram of type 550 wheat flour, 480 millilitres of hot water, one tablespoon of butter, and one teaspoon of salt. First, sift the flour into a large bowl and mix it with the salt. Heat the water until hot but not boiling, and gradually add it to the flour, mixing everything with a wooden spoon. Then melt the butter, add it to the dough, and mix until the ingredients are combined. When the dough cools, transfer it to a pastry board and knead until it becomes smooth and elastic. Cover the dough with a cloth and rest for about 15 minutes.

How to make mushroom filling for dumplings? Recipe

To prepare the traditional mushroom filling for dumplings, you'll need about 350 grams of dried mushrooms, one medium-sized onion, and some butter for frying. First, soak the dried mushrooms in warm water for 2 hours until they soften. Then, chop them finely. Chop the onion into small pieces and sauté it in butter. Add the mushrooms to the sautéed onion and cook over low heat until the liquid evaporates. Season the mixture with salt, pepper, and a pinch of marjoram according to your taste. You can also add some breadcrumbs to the filling.

How to shape dumplings?

Shaping dumplings requires some precision, but the result is worth the time spent. How do you make dumplings? Roll the dough into a thin sheet and use a small glass or a special mould to cut out small circles about 4 centimetres in diameter. Place a teaspoon of the previously prepared filling on each circle, then fold the dough in half to form a half-moon shape.

To prevent the dumplings from falling apart during cooking, thoroughly seal the edges of the dough, ensuring no gaps are left. Then, connect the opposite corners of each dumpling to create the characteristic shape. Drop the prepared dumplings into boiling salted water. Once they float to the surface, they are ready—this usually takes 3 to 5 minutes. Gently remove them with a slotted spoon, drain, and serve while still hot. These dumplings will make an excellent addition to Christmas Eve borscht.

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