NewsRussian scientists accused of treason linked to hypersonic missile development

Russian scientists accused of treason linked to hypersonic missile development

President of Russia, Vladimir Putin
President of Russia, Vladimir Putin
Images source: © Getty Images | Contributor#8523328

4 February 2024 14:33, updated: 7 March 2024 09:21

The Russian edition of the BBC reports that Russian authorities regularly apprehend scientists linked to the field of hypersonic weaponry. During a presentation to the Federal Assembly in 2018, President Putin showcased what he described as unrivalled Russian-made hypersonic missiles. The parliament members were given a viewing of a film showcasing a simulated missile attack on the United States. "It will be practically indestructible due to its hypersonic speed, reminiscent of a meteor," Putin asserted.

According to the BBC, since that presentation, the Russian president has referenced the hypersonic weapon in at least 70 of his speeches, and a minimum of 12 scientists have subsequently been incarcerated. Based on the charges brought forward under Article 275 of the Russian Criminal Code, the accused researchers are suspected of spying and revealing information that constitutes state secrets.

Those arrested include scientists from the Central Research Institute of Mechanical Engineering (TsNIIMash), just outside of Moscow, the Central Institute of Aerohydrodynamics (TsAGI), and the Siberian branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Novosibirsk Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (ITPM). Criminal proceedings have been initiated against all those detained.

Eugene Smirnov, a lawyer who has previously worked on espionage cases in Russia before being compelled to exit the country, informed the BBC that "The scientists who have been arrested on the grounds of involvement with hypersonic weaponry were not even directly engaged with this weapon." According to Smirnov, the arrests are a calculated move to emphasize the significance of Russia's missile programme. "The popularity of the hypersonic topic necessitates that individuals be imprisoned," he explained.

Smirnov added that court documents available to him state that Russia is in possession of exclusive technology in the area of hypersonic weaponry, which is attracting interest from foreign agents. This lawyer asserts that none of the scientists who were recently jailed were involved in constructing rockets. Their work consisted solely of scientific research and the study of physical processes associated with hypersonic speed. "The task of scientists is to study these physical processes. The research topic focuses on how metals will deform at hypersonic speeds or the potential areas of turbulence. This isn't about manufacturing a rocket, it's about studying these physical phenomena," explained Smirnov on the BBC.

Source: BBC

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