TechRussian military buildup in the Arctic: a strategic move or preparation for escalation?

Russian military buildup in the Arctic: a strategic move or preparation for escalation?

Images source: © Wikimedia Commons
Norbert Garbarek

7 February 2024 00:04, updated: 7 March 2024 09:06

According to the latest satellite images, at the Olenya air base on Sunday, 4 February, there were 10 strategic Tu-95MS bombers and 35 Tu-22M3 bombers. Also, three An-12 transport aircraft and two Su-30SM fighters can be identified in the new images.

Unian observes that the Russians may be assembling valuable equipment in preparation for possible heightened attacks towards Ukraine. However, it's worth noting that the Olenya air base is located about 2,000 km from the border with Ukraine. This suggests that Olenya is a relatively safe location for the Russian Federation, beyond the reach of Ukrainian drones which – as previously reported – are now able to travel a distance of over 1,000 km.

We should remember that relocating machines to the Murmansk region is not a new tactic by the Russians. Even last year, the aggressor moved Tu-22M3 bombers that were previously stationed in Solotchi, which is closer to Ukraine, to the Olenya airport. Therefore, it cannot be dismissed that Olenya is currently an area where the aggressor's troops may gather valuable machines.

In the context of the machines themselves, which were situated in the northern part of Russia at the start of February 2024, the numerous Tu-22M3s demand the most attention. These are bombers intended for bombing and missile strikes on ground targets, development of which began back in the 1960s. The Tu-22M3, produced by Tupolev, is an aircraft equipped with variable geometry wings (from 20 to 65 degrees) and is propelled by two NK-25 jet engines.

The Tu-22M3 spans 42 meters in length, with a wingspan of about 45 meters. Its own weight is around 53 tonnes. This sizable construction speeds up to 2,300 km/h and can reach an altitude of 18,000 meters. The bomber's maximum range is approximately 7,000 km, of which it can strike targets in Ukraine, launching from the Olenya airport and ending its mission there. In 2023, the Russian Federation announced plans to upgrade all Tu-22M3s to the Tu-22M3M variant. Changes are set to include adapting the aircraft to carry Ch-32 missiles and enhance the machine's range.

In the meantime, the Tu-95MS, of which the Russians have amassed 10 examples in the north of the country, are aircraft from the 1980s that are updated versions of the older Tu-95 bombers from the 1950s. They are capable of carrying Ch-55SM missiles with a range of about 3,000 km or Ch-102 missiles with a reach of over 5,000 km (equipped with thermonuclear warheads).

The payload of the Tu-95MS bombers touches 20 tonnes, while their maximum speed is 830 km/h. Additional equipment (aside from variable armament carried depending on the mission) includes two AM-23 cannons and GSz-23 calibre 22 mm.

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