NewsRussia escalates crackdown on LGBT community, labeling it extremist

Russia escalates crackdown on LGBT community, labeling it extremist

Russia added the "LGBT movement" to the list of terrorist and extremist organisations.
Russia added the "LGBT movement" to the list of terrorist and extremist organisations.
Images source: © Getty Images | Mike Kemp

22 March 2024 20:11

The Russian Federal Monitoring Service has added the "international LGBT social movement" to its list of terrorist and extremist organisations. "Arrests of activists are likely to become widespread and easier to justify," worry activists who remain in the country.

Homophobia in Russia is at an all-time high. In November 2023, the country's Supreme Court issued a ruling regarding the LGBT movement — stating then that "the organisation is extremist in nature." It ordered a ban on its activities.

Now, the Russian Federal Monitoring Service is reinforcing this decision. The so-called Rosfinmonitoring has added the "international LGBT social movement" to the list of terrorist and extremist organisations.

The information was shared on the X platform (Twitter) by the Nexta agency. It's important to note that no such organisation or "international LGBT social movement" officially exists in Russia.

Arrests of activists are likely to become widespread and easier to justify. Merely having a rainbow element on one's attire in public could suffice. From now on, it will be considered a symbol of an extremist movement - stated Russian activist Elle Solomon in December.

The November ruling of the Supreme Court already raised significant concerns. Just a few days later, at the beginning of December, the police conducted a series of coordinated raids on clubs and other venues frequented by LGBT people.

The inclusion by Rosfinmonitoring of the "international LGBT social movement" in the list of terrorist and extremist organisations is another pretext to restrict "non-traditional values."

International commentators agree. They fear further, intensified attacks, repressions, and arrests of all Russians who identify with, or even sympathize with, the LGBT community.

Re-elected for another term, Russian dictator Vladimir Putin is seen as a defender of "traditional values." Stigmatizing people with different sexual orientations serves as an excellent starting point for Moscow's propaganda. Expressing one's difference and gender identity has never been easy or pleasant in Russia. Now, it has become downright dangerous.

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