NewsRussia accuses US of dictating NATO arms deals for profit

Russia accuses US of dictating NATO arms deals for profit

Russia accuses US of dictating NATO arms deals for profit
ed. PJM

2 April 2024 18:38

Americans impose terms on their allies for their own gain, says a Russian official.

The Secretary of the Russian Security Council, Nikolai Patrushev, has accused the United States of leveraging economic obligations to dictate terms of weaponry purchases to its NATO allies, thereby benefiting economically. In an interview with the Russian weekly Arguments and Facts, Patrushev claimed that this strategy increases the profits of the American military-industrial complex.

Furthermore, Patrushev alleged that both Americans and Britons utilize Russophobia to economically tether NATO member states to themselves through stringent economic commitments. He cited the example of Estonian Prime Minister Kaja Kallas, who was purportedly compelled to raise taxes to meet increased defence spending - a move Patrushev described as an act of "political suicide" enforced by the obligations of NATO membership.

NATO accused of anti-Russian stance

Patrushev also addressed NATO's role in the conflict in Ukraine, asserting that the alliance is effectively a participant through its actions, which include organizing shelling on Russian territories. He claimed that NATO's collective decisions to supply new weapons with enhanced technology and its training of mercenaries underscore its involvement in "anti-Russian operations."

Poland designated as a key ally by the US

The US Congress's decision to sell advanced aerial combat resources to Poland was highlighted, demonstrating the United States' valuation of Poland as a critical ally within NATO. According to Polish Gen. Tomasz Bąk, former commander of the 21st Podhale Rifles Brigade, this sale is vital for enhancing Poland's military capabilities, particularly in the air.

The sale, announced by the head of the Ministry of National Defense, Władysław Kosiniak-Kamysz, on platform X last Thursday, includes a range of air-to-ground and air-to-air missiles. These purchases, Bąk noted, are crucial for Poland, which significantly contributes to its defence budget, currently around 4 per cent of its GDP. He expressed hope that this investment would be wisely utilized.

Bąk also highlighted Poland's strategic military partnership with the US within NATO, pointing out that Poland's longstanding commitments since joining NATO 25 years ago have proven its reliability as an ally.
Source: Reuters, PAP
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