LifestyleReusing Sunday's leftovers: households promote savings and zero waste

Reusing Sunday's leftovers: households promote savings and zero waste

You can use the leftovers from the broth the next day.
You can use the leftovers from the broth the next day.
Images source: © Adobe Stock | MATEUSZ FELIKSIK

5 February 2024 19:17, updated: 7 March 2024 09:14

A Sunday meal without broth as the main course? It's an alien concept in British homes! The broth is a staple of many family dinners, and remarkably, it never seems to lose its charm. This is why it's so important to understand how to use leftovers like cooked meat and vegetables. Let's introduce you to our favourite strategy! It's not just easy and natural but also a clever hack to cut down on one expense when shopping.

Reusing leftover broth

If you've got broth left, the best way to make the most of it is by preparing homemade broth cubes. Essentially, these cubes tend to form the base for most soup recipes and can become a handy addition when you’re whipping up other meals too. So, how do you create them? Trust us, it's a breeze.

All that’s required is placing your leftover broth on a pan over medium heat until it radically reduces and thickens. Once it cools down, pour it into moulds (for example, ice cube trays), and pop it in the freezer. It'll be ready in no time!

Here’s how to make the most of leftover meat and vegetables

If you're looking to utilise "leftovers" like cooked meat and vegetables, it couldn’t be simpler. From these ingredients, you can make, amongst other things, a mouth-watering sandwich spread (or just from meat, if you'd rather!) The recipe is pretty straight forward; blend them together, toss in some fresh chives, one spoon of mayonnaise, and your go-to spices (certainly salt and pepper).

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