NewsPutin's ex-advisor reveals Russia's dream of resurgence: The desire to reclaim 18th-century borders

Putin's ex‑advisor reveals Russia's dream of resurgence: The desire to reclaim 18th-century borders

Russian President Vladimir Putin at the Youth Congress on 1st February 2024.
Russian President Vladimir Putin at the Youth Congress on 1st February 2024.
Images source: © Getty Images | Contributor#8523328

2 February 2024 12:13, updated: 7 March 2024 09:29

His ideal vision sees Russia expanding to include part of Ukraine, Belarus, the Baltic countries, and a segment of Poland - this is the Russian leader's dream of a perfect empire. Illarionov, having previously worked closely with Putin, has unravelled these deeply confidential plans.

In his interview with the Estonian publication "Eesti Päevaleh", Illarionov pointed out that the initial steps towards building this empire were the attacks carried out on Estonia in 2007.

The 63-year-old economist Illarionov, an alumnus of Leningrad State University, has worn many hats – a scientist, lecturer, government advisor who helped develop a privatisation programme, and, ultimately, an economic advisor to the Russian President since 2000.

He currently serves as a research associate in the United States. Illarionov has ties with Poland; he became an expert for the now dissolved Polish subcommittee for the re-investigation of the Smolensk plane crash in 2016, under the administration of former National Defense Minister Antoni Macierewicz.

Vladimir Putin's ex-advisor: aims for Russia to reclaim its 18th-century borders

"Putin's mindset has shifted significantly since his early years in the Kremlin. He initially showed interest in aligning Russia with the West, particularly during the first two to three years. He often spoke favourably of the European Union and NATO, expressing a desire for Russia to become a full member of the Alliance in private conversations. Such sentiments weren't expressed just once or twice, but they were recurring themes year after year." Illarionov recounts.

Illarionov also confides that the events two decades later are quite shocking to those who knew Putin back then. "Since 2008, his primary focus has been on expanding the Russian Empire. First, Georgia fell victim to Russian aggression, and since 2014, he has been at war with Ukraine. On top of this, we should not overlook the hybrid cyber-attacks on Estonia. This imperialism is Putin's main objective", says Illarionov.

Illarionov reveals that Putin's belief is that the attacks on Ukraine in 2014 and in 2022 are just a byproduct of this aggressive expansionist strategy. The dictator would want the Baltic countries, Ukraine, and parts of Poland within Russia's new borders.

Illarionov stated that Putin is bent on extending Russia to the boundaries of the late 18th century. He stated in a 2012 article that he was attempting to establish the utmost western borders of historical Russia. "He has publically acknowledged his ambition for the Russian Empire," Illarionov told the Estonian newspaper.

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