NewsPolice officer dies in Mannheim knifeman attack, president shocked

Police officer dies in Mannheim knifeman attack, president shocked

A police officer attacked with a knife has died. Mourning in Mannheim
A police officer attacked with a knife has died. Mourning in Mannheim
Images source: © EPA, PAP | RONALD WITTEK
Sara Bounaoui

3 June 2024 07:53

A police officer attacked by a knifeman in the market in Mannheim, in the southwest of Germany, has died from his injuries. "I am deeply shocked by the death of the police officer, who bravely intervened in Mannheim to protect human life," stated the German President, Frank-Walter Steinmeier.

The 29-year-old officer "underwent surgery immediately after the attack and was placed in a medically induced coma, but died in the late afternoon on June 2 due to severe injuries. We mourn the loss of the police officer who gave his life for our safety," announced the authorities.

The Mayor of Mannheim, Christian Specht, ordered mourning flags to be flown at the town hall starting Monday.

"I am deeply shocked by the death of the police officer, who bravely intervened in Mannheim to protect human life," said Steinmeier, highlighting the heroism and sacrifice of the officer. The German President also extended his condolences to the family and friends of the police officer.

The tragedy occurred on Friday. The attacker was a 25-year-old man

According to the information provided by the authorities, the tragic incident that resulted in the death of the police officer took place on Friday in the market in Mannheim, in Baden-Württemberg.

The police officer intervened during an attack by a knifeman, which occurred during an event organised by the movement Pax Europa, which is critical of Islam. As a result of the attack, not only the police officer but also five other people were injured.

The attacker was a 25-year-old man from Afghanistan who arrived in Germany in 2014. After the attack, he was shot by the police and is currently in hospital. His motives are not yet known.

President Steinmeier also expressed his deep concern about the growing brutality of political conflicts and the willingness to use violence in Germany. "This cannot continue. Violence threatens what has made our democracy strong," stressed the German President, calling for decisive opposition to violence and division.

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