EntertainmentOlly Alexander's Eurovision upset: Zero points shock for the UK

Olly Alexander's Eurovision upset: Zero points shock for the UK

The United Kingdom received 0 points in the televote. Internet users are in shock.
The United Kingdom received 0 points in the televote. Internet users are in shock.
Images source: © Eurovision Song Contest, YouTube.com

12 May 2024 11:24

During the grand finale of Eurovision 2024, there was no shortage of surprises, one of which was Olly Alexander, representing the UK, receiving zero points from the viewer vote, to the clear surprise of internet users.

Expectations were high for numerous surprises at this year's Eurovision grand final, with some turning out pleasantly, but unfortunately, not all. The UK team learned this hard, performing significantly worse than bookmakers had anticipated. Right from the start, the performance sparked controversy.

The UK scores 0 points from the audience at Eurovision, shocking fans

This year, the UK's representative, Olly Alexander, previously known as a member of Years & Years, took the stage. His performance of the song "Dizzy" might not have caused such a stir without its bold presentation. The jury awarded Olly 46 points, a decent score initially positioned him mid-field after the first voting phase.

The real disappointment came with the viewer votes. When it was the UK's turn, the host revealed to the team that their representative had received zero points, an outcome that visibly shocked them. The onsite audience reacted with strong emotions to this revelation.

Despite the setback, Olly and his team chose not to show their disappointment, opting instead for an ironic celebration of their result, captured on camera. The zero points were a surprise to many, especially considering the UK was predicted to make the top ten, a prospect that clearly did not materialize.

The result prompted a lively discussion on Twitter, with fans expressing disbelief at the harsh treatment Olly received.

"Olly Alexander deserved better", "I really feel sorry for him, getting zero points from the public is harsh", "Olly Alexander, one of the better UK performers, got zero from the viewers... Unexpected", "Zero points from the audience - shocking", "Not a single point? A disaster nobody saw coming" - were some of the sentiments expressed.

Some suggested the provocative staging weakened his position. Similar sentiments are echoed in comments on the official Eurovision YouTube channel performance video of the UK's representative.

"The BBC made a poor choice. More conservative countries wouldn't support such a performance. It was a misstep from the start." "It's not shocking we got zero points from the audience. The performance was over the top." "Why wasn't he advised to moderate the message? It was too provocative." "Zero points, and unsurprisingly so. The act was just too much." These comments suggest.

Olly Alexander from the UK got 0 points from the televote.
Olly Alexander from the UK got 0 points from the televote.© Eurovision Song Contest, YouTube.com
Olly Alexander from the UK received 0 points from the televote.
Olly Alexander from the UK received 0 points from the televote.© Eurovision Song Contest, YouTube.com
Olly Alexander from the UK got 0 points from the televote.
Olly Alexander from the UK got 0 points from the televote.© Eurovision Song Contest, YouTube.com
Performance of a person representing Great Britain at Eurovision 2024
Performance of a person representing Great Britain at Eurovision 2024© Eurovision Song Contest, YouTube.com
Performance of a person representing Great Britain at the Eurovision 2024
Performance of a person representing Great Britain at the Eurovision 2024© Eurovision Song Contest, YouTube.com