LifestyleMore police patrols to curb violence on Zakynthos

More police patrols to curb violence on Zakynthos

Problems with drugs and numerous fights. This is an increasingly common scene in tourist areas on the Greek island of Zakynthos. The country's authorities have decided to send more police patrols to these areas.

It has become dangerous on the Greek island recently.
It has become dangerous on the Greek island recently.
Images source: © Getty Images | MATIJA KEBER
Ilona Raczyńska

Zakynthos is one of the most popular Greek islands—the third largest in the Ionian Sea—and a favourite holiday spot for tourists worldwide.

More police on Zakynthos

Unfortunately, even this paradise has been affected by issues related to violence and drugs. Greek Minister for Citizen Protection Michalis Chrisochoidis has decided to intervene. He travelled to the island to try to address what was happening there. He met with local police and authorities.

The tourism industry on Zakynthos is fundamentally important for the island's prosperity, development, and wealth. Safety is crucial for its further growth, said the minister.

The head of the department announced the deployment of additional police forces to the island in the Ionian Sea to maintain order and increase safety, especially in areas that are challenging for the services. This includes the tourist resort of Laganas.

Problem on the Greek island

The sale of drugs, beatings, robberies, stabbings, and bloody clashes are unfortunately quite common in the tourist areas of the island - reported the portal eKathimerini.

Recently, 12 people aged 17-23 were arrested there in connection with a brutal knife fight at a bar.

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