NewsMedvedev's nuclear threat over Western troops in Ukraine escalates tension

Medvedev's nuclear threat over Western troops in Ukraine escalates tension

Medvedev's Fury. That's how he reacted to the decision of France.
Medvedev's Fury. That's how he reacted to the decision of France.
Images source: © TG
Mateusz Czmiel

6 May 2024 15:43

"Russia will respond to the deployment of Western troops in Ukraine with a nuclear attack," warned Dmitry Medvedev, the Deputy Chairman of the Russian Security Council, who also mentioned Poland. Previously, France had decided to send about 100 soldiers to Sloviansk in eastern Ukraine.

Many of the reports by Russian media or representatives of the authorities are elements of propaganda. These reports are part of the information war waged by the Russian Federation.

Medvedev's threats appeared on his Telegram channel. He stated, "The number of scoundrels among Western political elites calling for sending their troops to a non-existent country is increasing."

Poland on Medvedev's list

"Now it includes representatives of the US Congress, leaders of France and Great Britain, and individual madmen from the Baltic countries and Poland. They are also calling for the active use of their missile weapons throughout Russia, which they have supplied," - wrote Dmitry Medvedev, Deputy Chairman of the Security Council of Russia.

In his post, the former President of Russia stated, "This is not a spring exacerbation, but a cynical calculation of political benefits."

"In the West, there is a certain total degradation of the ruling class. This class does not want to logically connect basic things. Deploying their troops on the territory of Ukraine will be directly associated with joining the war by its countries, to which we will have to respond. And unfortunately, not on the territory of Ukraine," he wrote.

Medvedev used Russia's favorite scare tactic - nuclear weapon attack.

"In this case, none of them can hide either in the Capitol, in the Élysée Palace, or at 10 Downing Street. A global catastrophe will come. By the way, Kennedy (John F. Kennedy, former US President - note ed.) and Khrushchev (Nikita Khrushchev, former Soviet Premier) understood this more than 60 years ago. But the current infantile fools who have taken power in the West don't want to understand it.

Russia announces exercises. It's a reaction to France's decision

Earlier, the Russian Ministry of Defense announced the start "in the near future" of exercises, which supposedly will use non-strategic nuclear weapons. Rocket formations of the Southern Military District, air forces, and naval forces will take part, the ministry reported.

France's President Emmanuel Macron was the first to allow the deployment of Western troops to Ukraine. At the beginning of May, he set two conditions: the Russian army must break through the front line, and Kyiv must send a corresponding request for help.

"Clanking his nuclear saber"

The American Institute for the Study of War, in a report from early March, assessed that the probability of Russia using nuclear weapons in Ukraine or in other countries is low. "The use of nuclear weapons by Russia in Ukraine or beyond its borders is highly unlikely" - analysts believe.

As the analysts wrote, Putin "is clanking his nuclear saber." The main goal of such action is to attract the attention of the West and "promote information operations conducted by the Kremlin." ISW notes that "Putin and Russian officials often refer to the nuclear threat to instill fear among Western audiences and weaken support for Ukraine."

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