FoodJackfruit: The tropical fruit taking centre stage in vegan cuisine

Jackfruit: The tropical fruit taking centre stage in vegan cuisine

Jackfruit - a fruit that resembles meat
Jackfruit - a fruit that resembles meat
Images source: © Canva | dev s's Images

5 June 2024 09:09

Although many of us may not have heard of this fruit yet, it is gaining significant popularity among those on a meatless diet. Let's talk about jackfruit, the fruit of the breadfruit tree, which can weigh up to 50 kilograms.

We often say that the creativity of vegan sector chefs knows no bounds. These artists deserve credit not only for their creativity. The true skill lies in selling something unconventional. Their latest creation – “meat” from jackfruit has been a perfect success. Today we are asking what this mysterious fruit is, why it is used as a meat substitute, and its health benefits.

Jackfruit, the giant fruit

Jackfruit is an exotic fruit that grows on breadfruit trees, also known as boch bread trees. It thrives in tropical conditions, with the largest crops found in Oceania and Southeast Asia. The fruits are oval-shaped, with a dark yellow, tough skin, and typically weigh around 10 kilograms. However, it's not uncommon to find breadfruit weighing up to five times more.

Inside, the jackfruit is divided into segments, and its sticky, slightly sweet flesh has a texture reminiscent of meat. This characteristic of breadfruit has been utilised in specific ways, making it a substitute for pork or chicken. Producers sell this “non-meat” in forms such as vegan sausages and patties, which are then served in dishes like burgers or ramen.

Is jackfruit healthy?

Fans of the vegan diet often highlight its health benefits. Do the nutritional values of jackfruit confirm this? Well, the superiority of any diet is debatable, and discussions on the topic continue. We can definitely say that breadfruit is a healthy fruit worth incorporating into your diet.

Jackfruit can weigh up to 50 kg
Jackfruit can weigh up to 50 kg© Canva | LoggaWiggler

Regarding the health benefits of jackfruit, it's worth noting the presence of potassium, which it has even more of than bananas. It also contains other minerals such as iron and zinc, as well as vitamins: A, B and C. Consuming breadfruit provides a solid dose of dietary fibre. However, it should be noted that this exotic fruit is also calorie-dense — there are 94 calories in 100 grams. The question is: is this really that high? After all, a typical chicken breast has around 165 kcal. Since breadfruit is used as a meat substitute, jackfruit seems merely a caloric playfulness.

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