LifestyleInternet divided over seemingly simple mathematical riddle: What's the correct answer?

Internet divided over seemingly simple mathematical riddle: What's the correct answer?

Mathematical puzzles pose difficulty even for adults.
Mathematical puzzles pose difficulty even for adults.
Images source: © Adobe Stock

5 February 2024 18:04, updated: 7 March 2024 09:15

Tasks that appear to be logical and simple numerical puzzles at first glance often deceive us into thinking we should have no problems with them. However, the emotions that accompany puzzle-solving can clearly indicate that they are not as simple as they first appear, and it is very easy to make a mistake.

A mathematical riddle that has the internet stumped. Do you know the answer?

Commonly found on the internet, a particularly divisive mathematical riddle relates to the order of operations. This seemingly simple equation should be manageable for a fourth-grade elementary school student, yet it appears many people, including adults, struggle to find the correct answer.

9 ÷ 3 (4 – 2) = ?

This mathematical riddle has internet users, predictably, divided. Some insist the correct answer is 6, others claim it's 1.5, 10, or even 0.9. What's the correct result? Unambiguously, the correct answer is 6.

Actually, the riddle is simple. Here's the correct solution

Where did the correct answer come from and why the contradicting assertions? Errors likely arose due to misconceptions regarding the order of operations; a crucial concept for solving equations accurately.

It's paramount to initially calculate the operation inside the brackets. Subsequently solve the multiplication or division, and finally, the addition or subtraction. All this must be done in the order they occur in the equation. In this specific case, the result from within the brackets is 2, which results in the operation:

9 ÷ 3 * 2 = ?

Thereafter, perform the division, which gives 3.

3 *2 = ?

Finally, complete the simple multiplication, with the result being 6.

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