TechIndian scientists achieve record efficiency with new CIGS solar cell

Indian scientists achieve record efficiency with new CIGS solar cell

A solar cell can boast a record efficiency.
A solar cell can boast a record efficiency.
Images source: © Getty Images | LYagovy

26 September 2024 16:18

Indian scientists have made a groundbreaking discovery in photovoltaics. Using tungsten disulfide, the new CIGS solar cell has achieved a record-breaking efficiency. Could this signify a revolution in solar energy harvesting?

Photovoltaics have been rapidly developing for years, but the latest discovery by scientists from the Visvesvaraya National Institute of Technology (VNIT) may set a new standard for this technology. The CIGS solar cell they developed is notable for its spectacular efficiency and flexibility and resistance to high temperatures. This groundbreaking achievement has the potential to revolutionise the renewable energy market.

Solar cell with record efficiency

Scientists from India have made a breakthrough in solar cell technology. A research team from the Visvesvaraya National Institute of Technology (VNIT) developed a new CIGS photovoltaic cell with an astounding efficiency of 25.7%, the highest ever recorded for this panel type.

The innovation involves using tungsten disulfide (WS2) as a back surface field (BSF) layer. This solution has significantly improved the efficiency of converting solar energy into electrical energy. CIGS cells, consisting of copper, indium, gallium, and selenium, have long been considered amongst the most promising in thin-film photovoltaics, but only now has such a high-efficiency level been achieved.

Will the new discovery revolutionise photovoltaics?

Scientists from India's discovery may significantly impact the future of photovoltaics. The introduction of tungsten disulfide (WS2) as a back layer increases the efficiency of CIGS solar cells and opens new possibilities for applying this technology. Thanks to their flexibility, these cells can be used in various products, such as roofs, building facades, or portable devices.

Additionally, the thin-film structure of CIGS cells, combined with their resistance to high temperatures, allows them to function better in harsh climatic conditions. Minimising the use of rare elements like indium and gallium also reduces production costs, which may contribute to the popularisation of solar cells on a larger scale.

Ultimately, if these cells enter mass production, it could revolutionise the way solar energy is harvested, both in terms of efficiency and cost.