FoodHow to make sweet potato crisps: A healthier snack alternative

How to make sweet potato crisps: A healthier snack alternative

Sweet potato crisps - a delicious homemade snack
Sweet potato crisps - a delicious homemade snack
Images source: © Adobe Stock | Fabian Montano

5 June 2024 13:22

Do you sometimes buy crisps in the store? Well, you probably know that it’s not the best snack choice. However, we fully understand the temptation. In such moments, you can act in two ways: fight or give in to temptation. And if the latter, only with a recipe for homemade sweet potato crisps.

Crisps are generally a very unhealthy food product. Is that obvious? Good! The fact that we all realize this shows that nutritional awareness is heading in the right direction. The question is: Do we know why crisps are so bad for the body? There are many reasons: a lot of salt, trans fats, high-calorie count, and one more critical aspect. It is hard to control oneself when eating crisps, and we often overeat them.

Today, we want to propose a solution that you might like. Sweet potato crisps are just as good as regular ones, and by making them at home, we can be sure there is not too much salt, not to mention other chemicals. You can enjoy these crisps without feeling guilty. And that’s a big plus, right?

Another aspect worth mentioning is the presence of various healthy elements in sweet potatoes. Sweet potatoes contain a lot of calcium, sodium, and beta-carotene, which help lower blood pressure and regulate blood sugar levels. They are also rich in dietary fibre, so you can make not only tasty but also filling snacks from them—for example, crisps!

Sweet potato crisps


  • 2 large sweet potatoes,
  • olive oil,
  • salt, pepper,
  • paprika,
  • ground ginger.
Sweet potatoes are better than potatoes in some respects.
Sweet potatoes are better than potatoes in some respects.© Canva | Victoria Popova

Preparation method:

  1. Peel, wash and dry the sweet potatoes. Use a mandoline to slice them thinly.
  2. Transfer the potatoes to a bowl. Add some olive oil, salt, pepper, paprika, and ginger. This is our favourite seasoning mix for sweet potato crisps, but you can choose your own.
  3. Place the prepared slices on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. Preheat the oven to 200°C (392°F) and bake for about 20 minutes. They should be dry and aesthetically browned. Enjoy!
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