LifestyleHow to keep your monstera thriving through winter's chill

How to keep your monstera thriving through winter's chill

How to take care of a monstera in autumn?
How to take care of a monstera in autumn?
Images source: © Adobe Stock

15 October 2024 20:46

Monstera is a common guest in many homes for a reason. It's not only easy to cultivate but also looks beautiful. However, the autumn-winter period is not its favourite. So, how do we take care of it during this time? It's important to keep one thing in mind.

The monstera is not very demanding. With minimal effort, it rewards us with beautiful, characteristic leaves. Unfortunately, not everyone knows that during autumn and winter, special care is needed for its cultivation. Fortunately, this is neither difficult nor expensive.

How to care for the monstera in the autumn?

The monstera originated in regions characterised by tropical climates. That's why it feels best in a room with humid air. It's no surprise that the heating season is not its favourite. After all, indoor air becomes dry due to heating. Furthermore, sudden temperature rises can also have a negative impact on it.

The plant often signals to us that something is wrong through changes in its appearance. Its leaves most commonly start turning brown in such cases. They may also dry out, which can lead to their loss.

Firstly, it should be placed away from the radiator. To ensure appropriate air humidity, it's worth filling a spray bottle with water and regularly misting the monstera. Regular plant baths might also help, although they shouldn't be done more than once a week.

Monstera - what should you remember?

If you decide to cultivate a monstera, it's worth ensuring it has the best possible growth conditions. In return, it will quickly reward us with numerous green leaves, from which dust should be regularly removed. This simple treatment will make them shine beautifully.

Many people forget to fertilise it. This is a huge mistake that can cost us dearly. Without the appropriate nutrients, the plant won't be able to grow properly.

The place where it grows is also extremely important. It doesn't like direct sunlight. That's why it feels great in partial shade and shade.