TechGlacier melt accelerates, threatens global freshwater reserves

Glacier melt accelerates, threatens global freshwater reserves

The latest research has revealed an increasing rate of glacier melting on Earth. This has serious consequences, mainly regarding the loss of freshwater resources.

glacier in Antarctica
glacier in Antarctica
Images source: © Unsplash | 66 north

An international group of scientists has published research findings demonstrating that the rate of glacier melting has significantly increased over the last decade. This process has resulted in rising sea levels and a loss of freshwater resources. The research involved 35 teams of scientists, and its findings were published in the journal Nature.

Since 2000, glaciers have lost an average of 300 billion tonnes of ice annually, contributing to a sea level rise of about 2.5 centimetres. Over the past two decades, glaciers have lost approximately 5% of their volume. A significant loss, amounting to as much as 39%, was observed in Central Europe. The research was part of the Glacier Mass Balance Intercomparison Exercise (Glambie) project, coordinated by the World Glacier Monitoring Service.

Michael Zemp, one of the study leaders, emphasised that "we collected 233 estimates of glacier mass changes from different regions provided by about 450 experts from 35 research teams". The Glambie project provided new information on regional trends and annual variability.

Less freshwater

Glaciers are a crucial source of freshwater, especially for communities in Central Asia and the central Andes. Glacier melting causes a significant loss of freshwater resources, as highlighted by researcher Inés Dussaillant.

- Glaciers are vital freshwater resources, especially for local communities in Central Asia and the Central Andes, where glaciers dominate runoff during warm and dry seasons – she added.

The role of space agencies

Collaboration with space agencies and satellite missions made the research findings possible. Noel Gourmelen, co-author of the study, noted that satellite missions are conducted in a way that allows for glacier observation. Programmes like the European Copernicus CRISTAL rely on the results of ESA's CryoSat missions.

The research was funded by the Science for Society programme under the European Space Agency's FutureEO initiative. The International Association for Cryospheric Sciences and other institutional partners were involved.

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