EntertainmentEurovision amid conflict: Eden Golan's performance shadowed by Gaza protests

Eurovision amid conflict: Eden Golan's performance shadowed by Gaza protests

Eurovision 2024. Protest in Malmö before the performance of the Israeli representative.
Eurovision 2024. Protest in Malmö before the performance of the Israeli representative.
Images source: © Getty Images, Instagram

10 May 2024 09:08

On the day of Israel's representative's performance in the Eurovision semi-final, protests sparked by the ongoing conflict in the Gaza Strip emerged. The representative, Eden Golan, was advised by her security detail to remain in her hotel.

Eden Golan is representing Israel in this year's Eurovision Song Contest. Her participation has been controversial due to the conflict in the Gaza Strip, which began in October 2023. She performed in the semi-final on Thursday.

In light of these events, security forces were significantly mobilized in Sweden. Anticipating protests, the local police were reinforced by officers from Denmark and Norway. In Malmö, the host city expected to welcome approximately 100,000 music fans, strict security measures were implemented.

Restrictions include a ban on carrying bags or backpacks at outdoor events, and the city centre is under constant surveillance using drones. Around the Malmö Arena, the Eurovision venue, metal barricades and large concrete blocks have been erected. Police are stationed around the venue, ensuring all visitors pass through metal detectors.

During the buildup to the semi-final, fears were confirmed when a protest erupted in Malmö. Demonstrators demanded Eden's disqualification from the contest. High-profile figures, including Greta Thunberg, were present, showing their support for Palestine. According to the "Daily Mail," the protest drew up to 5,000 people.

Reports from the "Times of Israel" revealed that Eden Golan was instructed to stay in her hotel due to the protests on the semi-final day. Her security advised against leaving for any pre-event gatherings or attending the Eurovision Song Contest 2024 Opening Ceremony or the turquoise carpet event, highlighting the tense atmosphere surrounding her participation.

Greta Thunberg
Greta Thunberg© Getty Images
Greta Thunberg
Greta Thunberg© Getty Images
Protest in Malmö
Protest in Malmö© Getty Images
Protest in Malmö
Protest in Malmö© Getty Images
Eden Golan
Eden Golan© Instagram
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