FoodDiscover a guilt-free meal: savoury oat patties for a different take on cereals

Discover a guilt-free meal: savoury oat patties for a different take on cereals

Oatmeal patties
Oatmeal patties
Images source: © Adobe Stock

10 February 2024 10:04

There are many recipes for oat pancakes, oat pancakes, or crepes, usually enjoyed as sweet breakfast items. However, if you're still not convinced by the idea of consuming oatmeal, these delicious, crunchy patties offer a different take on the ingredient.

Creating crunchy patties from oat flakes

Patties made from oat flakes work wonderfully as meat-free accompaniments to a meal. Pair them with your favourite salad and a warm sauce such as a mushroom dressing, herb dressing or a garlic dip. Any of these choices will tantalise the taste buds. These patties also provide a way for those unenthusiastic about traditional oatmeal dishes to incorporate the healthy cereal into their diet. Moreover, oat patties are low-calorie, so you can enjoy them guilt-free.

The mixture for oat flake patties can be seasoned according to your liking. We suggest a simple selection, but feel free to enhance it with your favourite flavours. You could add grated carrot, sautéed mushrooms or fungi, zucchini or roasted peppers. The more colour, the richer the flavour. And of course, don't forget to toss in some fresh herbs.

Savoury oatmeal patties recipe


Oat flakes can be the basis of delicious patties.
Oat flakes can be the basis of delicious patties.© Pixabay
  • 200g (rounded) of oat flakes,
  • 20g (rounded) of semolina,
  • 1 onion,
  • 2 cloves of garlic,
  • ground sweet pepper,
  • marjoram,
  • salt and pepper,
  • 2 eggs,
  • a few leaves of parsley,
  • breadcrumbs for breading,
  • rapeseed oil for frying.


  1. Cook the oat flakes in 200ml (rounded) of water - they should absorb all the liquid and become thick in consistency.
  2. Dice the onion, then fry it in heated fat until it turns golden. In the meantime, add the garlic crushed through a garlic press.
  3. Mix the cooked oatmeal with the onions, eggs and semolina, then add the spices and finely chopped parsley.
  4. Combine all ingredients until the mixture is uniform. Shape the mixture into flat patties, roll them in breadcrumbs, and fry them in heated oil on both sides.
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