NewsCyprus: An unchecked gateway for Russian influence in the EU

Cyprus: An unchecked gateway for Russian influence in the EU

After Russia's invasion of Ukraine, the number of Russian diplomats in Cyprus has increased.
After Russia's invasion of Ukraine, the number of Russian diplomats in Cyprus has increased.
Images source: © East News
Katarzyna Kalus

10 May 2024 12:18

After Russia's invasion of Ukraine, the number of Russian diplomats in Cyprus has not only not been reduced. Still, it has increased - the Cyprus Mail portal reported on Friday, citing the Russian opposition Dossier Center. It concluded that the island continues to be a Kremlin stronghold in the European Union.

Following the Russian attack on Ukraine in 2022, many Russian diplomats were expelled from EU countries, Russian propaganda channels were blocked, and visa restrictions and sanctions were introduced.

- It may seem that the pathway to Europe for Russian intelligence services has been shut, but this is far from the truth, the portal emphasises, discussing the report of the Dossier Center, an organization linked with Russian opposition figure Mikhail Khodorkovsky and committed to uncovering the criminal activities of the Kremlin's representatives.

Cyprus remains a significant Kremlin stronghold in the EU, with approximately a million inhabitants. Cyprus is known as a tax haven, home to over 100,000 Russians and citizens from other former USSR countries. Half of them have already obtained Cypriot citizenship. Many Russians residing in Cyprus are quite wealthy and hold favourable views towards the Kremlin authorities.

Unlike other EU countries, not a single Russian diplomat has been expelled from Cyprus since the onset of the invasion of Ukraine. In 2022, a Federal Security Service general assumed the Russian embassy's leadership.

Although Cyprus supports the EU's stance on the conflict initiated by Russia in Ukraine and is in favour of the sanctions on Moscow, it has not obstructed the activities of Russian diplomats or Russian propaganda - the Dossier Center noted. Access to RT channels was restricted to cable television, not the Internet.

No Russian diplomat has been expelled. In total, around 300 people are employed at the Russian embassy and the Russian House centre in Cyprus - it was noted. Sources indicate that the number of Russian diplomats on the island has grown after 2022.

Russian business chose Cyprus

According to the opposition service, under the "golden passport" scheme from 2002 to 2020, hundreds of members of the Putin administration, businessmen, and possibly also agents gained entry to Europe. In total, 2,900 Russians were awarded "golden passports" - issued by the Cypriot authorities to non-EU nationals in exchange for multimillion-pound investments - in Cyprus.

Cyprus was also frequently selected by Russian businesses, including those close to the Kremlin, as a destination for capital allocation. In 2018, the volume of investments moved from Russia to Cyprus was nearly £16 billion.