FoodCurb sweet cravings naturally with white mulberry tea

Curb sweet cravings naturally with white mulberry tea

It's worth trying this tea!
It's worth trying this tea!
Images source: © Adobe Stock

28 September 2024 19:17

Candy, a piece of cake, and in the evening, you crave chocolate... After such a "sweet" day, you probably wonder if you can curb your appetite for these treats. There's a simple and tasty way to do it. Moreover, it's completely natural.

Drinking white mulberry tea can reduce sweet cravings. Ancient Chinese medicine utilised the plant's properties, as white mulberry originates from that country. This tree's bark, leaves, and fruits exhibit numerous health-promoting properties. An infusion of white mulberry leaves supports weight loss and reduces appetite for sweets.

White mulberry and blood sugar levels

How does white mulberry tea work? Primarily, it affects carbohydrate digestion. The ingredients in it inhibit the activity of enzymes responsible for breaking down complex sugars to glucose. As a result, sugars are absorbed more slowly, and blood sugar levels remain more stable. Therefore, there are no sudden glucose spikes that often lead to sudden cravings for sweet snacks. Drinking this tea can help better control blood sugar levels, which translates into a reduced desire for sweets.

Good support

If you constantly crave something sweet, white mulberry tea can be good support. It helps stabilise blood sugar levels, reducing sudden hunger pangs and appetite for desserts. Regular consumption of this beverage not only positively affects your diet but also benefits your health. It is worth trying to include white mulberry tea in your daily diet.

Best before meals

Preparing white mulberry tea is very simple. It is best to use dried leaves, which can be purchased at herbal stores or pharmacies. To prepare the infusion, you only need mulberry leaves and boiling water. After placing one teaspoon of dried leaves into a cup, pour 100 millilitres of boiling water over them, cover, and leave for 3-5 minutes. After that time, the tea is ready to drink.

White mulberry tea can be consumed daily, preferably before meals, to benefit from its blood sugar-regulating and digestion-supporting properties. Mulberry leaves can also be combined with other herbs, such as mint or lemon balm, to enhance the flavour of the infusion and add additional health benefits.