NewsCatania airport reopens after Mount Etna eruption halts flights

Catania airport reopens after Mount Etna eruption halts flights

Etna. Serious problems in Sicily
Etna. Serious problems in Sicily
Images source: © Tw
Katarzyna Bogdańska

24 July 2024 14:09

On Tuesday evening, after hours of suspended flights due to activity at Mount Etna and runways being covered in ash, the airport in Catania, Sicily, resumed operations.

Catania, a popular holiday destination that attracts thousands of tourists from around the world daily during the peak summer season, once again had to deal with the consequences of increased activity from Etna, the most active volcano in Europe. A cloud of volcanic ash rose as high as 8 kilometres and was visibly noticeable.

The city was covered in a thick layer of ash. Many people, fearing the ash, walked around Catania with umbrellas, while others covered their heads with newspapers.

Sicily. Major cleanup

A significant cleanup began. Ash had settled on the runways and aeroplanes, and it was necessary to remove it. Repeated flight cancellations and diverting some flights to other airports on the island caused significant delays.

Restrictions for residents

Mayor Enrico Trantino issued a decree banning the movement of two-wheeled vehicles on all city streets for two days and restricting the allowed speed of cars to 30 kilometres per hour.

Trantino also ordered that residents place volcanic ash cleaned from their properties and balconies in containers or bags and set them in front of their homes. Municipal services will collect these.

With public health in mind, streets and squares are swept and thoroughly cleaned at night. This operation will continue until Friday.

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