LifestyleCan the dying smell their own death? Scientists find new evidence

Can the dying smell their own death? Scientists find new evidence

Can a dying person sense the smell of approaching death? Scientists say yes. Research has shown that people at the end of their lives begin to perceive a distinctive, fear-inducing odour subconsciously.

Scientists examined the scent perceived by the dying
Scientists examined the scent perceived by the dying
Images source: © Adobe Stock

The moment of death evokes fear in most people, and there is nothing surprising about that. Many also wonder if someone on their deathbed can sense the approaching end. One signal is a distinctive, fear-inducing smell perceived in the subconscious of dying individuals. Scientists from the Department of Behavioural Sciences at the University of Arkansas in the United States decided to investigate this specific "smell of death."

The smell of death. It appears just before the end

After researching, scientists from Arkansas determined that the dying can sense a distinctive odour reminiscent of rotting meat just before death. To confirm whether this is true and why, they experimented.

The study participants were exposed to three smells: ammonia, water, and putrescine. The third one elicited the strongest reactions from the patients. As revealed by one of the scientists, Arnaud Wisman, the experiment's participants admitted that the smell of putrescine triggered a subconscious fear they had never experienced before.

This is what the dying feel

It's important to note that only dying individuals complain about the smell of rotting meat. Their surroundings do not perceive this odour, but the mentioned putrescine is responsible for the distinctive smell of corpses.

Along with three groups of biogenic amines, which emerge from the postmortem decomposition of amino acids and proteins, a so-called cadaveric poison forms, which can be dangerous in high concentrations. That is why people dealing with corpses, such as pathologists or funeral home workers, usually wear protective gloves and masks.

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