FoodBoost your sleep quality with nutmeg-infused milk: An old remedy revisited

Boost your sleep quality with nutmeg-infused milk: An old remedy revisited

This sleep potion works better than lemon balm.
This sleep potion works better than lemon balm.
Images source: © Adobe Stock

4 February 2024 15:05, updated: 7 March 2024 09:20

This remedy provides relaxation, unwinding and relief after a tension-filled day. Many people may associate such a mixture (or something similar) with childhood, as it was our grandmother's practice to serve warm milk to the youngest at bedtime. However, this remedy isn't about the milk but about a warming addition. We rarely use this spice, but having it in our stock is worthwhile.

Nutmeg for a Good Night's Sleep

How can consuming nutmeg enhance sleep quality? This spice enhances serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine levels, improving mood and promoting sleep. Additionally, it relaxes, soothes stress, and calms. A pinch, or at most 5 grams of spice (see reason below) before bed ensures healthy and uninterrupted sleep.

How to consume nutmeg before bedtime? Preparing a concoction based on warm milk, also known for its sleep-inducing properties, would be helpful. Milk gives energy and creates a feeling of fullness and satisfaction. This state of satisfaction more rapidly translates into a sense of sleepiness and tranquillity, which in turn aids sleep. The feeling of satiety after having warm milk is usually pleasurable. Moreover, it doesn't cause lethargy or stomach pain.

How to Prepare a Mixture for a Healthy and Uninterrupted Sleep

Warm a glass of milk to a maximum of 50°C (a higher temperature may diminish the properties of nutmeg). Then, stir thoroughly with an eighth to a quarter of a teaspoon of nutmeg into the warm milk. Consume this mixture 30 minutes before bedtime.

Nutmeg© Pixabay

Remember, however, to never exceed 5 grams of nutmeg per day. Although this spice has many health benefits, an excess can harm and even lead to poisoning or death. Exceeding the recommended dose can cause severe stomach pain (lasting even up to 24 hours), as well as nausea, vomiting, headaches, chest pain and convulsions. Due to its myristicin content, consuming excessive amounts of nutmeg can cause hallucinations.

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