TechBathroom door safety: Why design matters more than you think

Bathroom door safety: Why design matters more than you think

You can find bathroom doors with glass, ventilation, and even a cat entrance on the market. However, these features might be useless if our bathroom door opens inward. This is not only a matter of comfort but also an important safety issue that few people know.

When buying a bathroom door, be sure to remember this.
When buying a bathroom door, be sure to remember this.
Images source: © Adobe Stock | Александр Трихонюк

Why should bathroom doors always open outward?

Like front doors, bathroom doors should also open outward and never inward. While comfort is essential, safety is the most critical criterion when buying bathroom doors. Someone in the bathroom might feel unwell or even lose consciousness. In such cases, opening a door that swings inward can be very challenging, hindering the provision of assistance or quickly exiting the bathroom.

Most bathroom doors in public restrooms open outward. This is not only for safety reasons but also for efficient space management. Small rooms can accommodate several stalls, and outward-opening doors help.

Few people realize that bathroom doors can become a trap in our homes if we don't choose a suitable model. If they open inward, opening them might be difficult in an emergency.

What else to remember when buying bathroom doors?

Bathroom doors that open outward are just one of the essential elements to consider. Ventilation is equally critical. It's not without reason that some models have built-in unique vents that allow excess air and moisture to escape. Bathrooms are particularly prone to mould growth; these vents help prevent it. Building codes also specify the dimensions of bathroom doors, and the best ones are 80 cm wide and 200 cm high.

Bathroom doors should also be equipped with a good-quality lock that ensures privacy while allowing quick opening from the outside in an emergency. Consider doors with frosted glass, which lets you see immediately if the bathroom is occupied. The material of the doors is also important and not worth skimping on—laminate doors are a good choice.

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