LifestyleYew trees: The stylish and resilient green solution for modern garden screening

Yew trees: The stylish and resilient green solution for modern garden screening

Why are yews better than thujas? We explain and encourage.
Why are yews better than thujas? We explain and encourage.
Images source: © Adobe Stock

12 February 2024 02:44

Now, thujas are out of fashion, say the experts. If you're aiming to create a hedge around your plot, you should consider yew - an evergreen tree that is a popular choice among those seeking a plant to create a dense and attractive hedge. Its branches, adorned with dark green needles, form a remarkably appealing screen, offering excellent protection from the wind and prying eyes of neighbours.

Which species should you choose? The best ones are ones with berries. They bear fruit in September and please the eyes until November. Yew berries are petite, bright red (and yes, poisonous!) spheres. Their striking shade makes for a stunning contrast to the dark green needles, adding an impressive colour accent to the garden during a period when other plants may be losing their colour.

Caring for a yew hedge

A notable advantage of yew is its extreme resilience and resistance to weather. It can flourish in various soils and tolerates both sun and shade. Additionally, it is remarkably resistent to diseases and pests.

However, remember to regularly prune it, which is key to maintaining the tree. A well-pruned yew will be lush and compact, adding to its attractive appearance. Pruning is best done in the spring, just before the growing season begins, and in the autumn, to maintain shape.

Yews grow slowly, but they're worth the wait

Another important note is to remember to remove dead or diseased branches to stop disease spreading. In times of drought, remember to water the yew hedge regularly, particularly when the trees are young and need water for optimal growth. Unfortunately, they do grow slowly.

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