FoodWhy you should add oyster mushrooms to your diet

Why you should add oyster mushrooms to your diet

Oyster mushrooms are cultivated fungi that originated in China. While we usually purchase them in the store, it is worth noting that they can also be found in the wild. Unlike other wild mushrooms, oyster mushrooms are noted for their high nutritional value. Discover why it's beneficial to include them in your diet.

Fried oyster mushrooms in breadcrumbs
Fried oyster mushrooms in breadcrumbs
Images source: © Canva | Ika Rahma

Although oyster mushrooms are mainly associated with cultivation, these mushrooms are commonly found in forests. However, they are not usually foraged, which is a pity, as they are among the few mushrooms that begin growing in autumn and are available until spring. Moreover, they grow in clusters, enabling you to collect several kilograms in one place.

Are oyster mushrooms healthy?

Oyster mushrooms, edible cultivated fungi from China, are increasing. They are distinguished by their high content of easily digestible protein and contain all the B vitamins and vitamins D and C (100 grams cover 15 percent of an adult's daily requirement for vitamin C). Unlike wild mushrooms, oyster mushrooms are rich in minerals such as calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, selenium, sodium, and zinc. Due to their low carbohydrate content, they are low in calories (about 35-50 kcal per 100 grams of fresh weight). Another advantage is their low-fat content, coupled with high unsaturated fatty acids, such as alpha-linolenic acid.

Regular consumption of oyster mushrooms lowers cholesterol and blood sugar levels and improves the condition of blood vessels in people with arteriosclerosis. These mushrooms also contain ergothioneine, an antioxidant that protects cells from damage and ageing, and it does not lose its properties during cooking.

Scientific research shows that pleuran, an active substance found in oyster mushroom extract, can reduce tumours. Japanese scientists have proven the properties of pleuran, while researchers in Slovakia have identified beta-glucan in oyster mushrooms, which strengthens the immune system and fights certain cancers.

Oyster mushrooms
Oyster mushrooms© Canva | majo1122331

What to do with oyster mushrooms?

Due to their delicate nature, oyster mushrooms should be washed carefully and briefly to prevent them from absorbing water. The tender caps are the best part of cooking. Cooked oyster mushrooms can be added to salads and soups, and they are also perfect for stuffing pancakes or dumplings.

Oyster mushrooms are excellent in omelettes and as a vegetarian alternative to traditional meat dishes, such as pork chops. They can also be frozen, dried, and pickled. When grilled, oyster mushrooms pair perfectly with cheese, creating delicious toast.

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