Tips&TricksWaging war on slugs: Natural solutions to protect your garden

Waging war on slugs: Natural solutions to protect your garden

Slugs, also known as shell-less snails, are a significant challenge for many gardeners. Their appearance, usually after the rain, can cause numerous difficulties. Here are some methods to effectively remove slugs from our gardens.

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These shell-less creatures are not a minor problem for those who love their gardens. Their unique build makes them easy to recognize. Slugs are capable of rapidly destroying crops, and they have a particular fondness for cabbage and lettuce. Therefore, it is good to react immediately as soon as we notice their presence in the garden or plot.

Fruit that attracts slugs

Our gardens are a paradise for slugs. This isn't just because of easy access to food but also because of the ideal environmental conditions. These molluscs also do not turn down small insects that inhabit our gardens, especially during the warmer months.

So, how can we effectively remove slugs from our garden? Grapefruit is an excellent solution. Slugs can't resist it. Just place half of this fruit in the area where their activity was noticed. Grapefruit, a source of valuable essential oils, will quickly attract slugs to the trap. Then, collect the creatures and remove them from the garden.

Use this, and slugs won’t come close

Another effective slug deterrent is copper. Contact with copper causes slugs an unpleasant sensation of shock, effectively keeping them out of our garden. It's worth obtaining self-adhesive copper tape and sticking it around places vulnerable to their attacks, such as fences or pots. Using copper is a safe and humane method of defence against unwanted guests.

Using natural methods is worthwhile

Chemical agents used to fight slugs can negatively impact beneficial organisms, such as pollinating insects. They can also be harmful to pets and humans. For this reason, it is better to use natural methods that are safe for you and your garden.

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