NewsUS Holds Back Ammunition to Israel Amid Rafah Operation Concerns

US Holds Back Ammunition to Israel Amid Rafah Operation Concerns

The Pentagon chief confirmed that the USA has halted arms supplies to Israel.
The Pentagon chief confirmed that the USA has halted arms supplies to Israel.
Images source: © East News | Pool

9 May 2024 07:14

Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin has announced that the United States has paused a shipment of ammunition to Israel due to the country's plans for a military operation in Rafah, in the Gaza Strip. He also mentioned that his department is reviewing further deliveries.

Lloyd Austin confirmed reports about the suspension of the ammunition supply to Israel during a hearing before the Senate Subcommittee on Defense Appropriations. He pointed out that the decision was connected to Israel's announced plans to storm Rafah, the last stronghold of Hamas, where over a million Palestinian civilians are also taking refuge.

"We’ve been very clear … that Israel shouldn’t launch a major attack into Rafah without accounting for and protecting the civilians that are in that battlespace," said Austin, "and, again, as we have assessed the situation, we’ve paused one shipment of high-payload munitions."

He further noted that the department is still evaluating this and other weapons packages in the context of the Israeli operation in Rafah. "We haven't reached any final decisions (...) there are aspects we are still closely examining," said the Secretary of Defense.

The US pauses weapons delivery to Israel, sparking Republican outrage

Austin's announcement was met with fury by the senators interrogating him, particularly from the Republicans. Senator Lindsey Graham described Israel's predicament as "Hiroshima and Nagasaki on steroids", likening it to the dilemma faced by the US before the atomic bombings of the Japanese cities.

"By stopping the delivery of weapons needed for Israel to defeat the enemies of the state in a time of significant danger, we will be making a costly mistake. This is outrageous! It's preposterous! Provide Israel with what it needs to prevail in this conflict, which it cannot afford to lose," the senator implored.

This halt in military aid to Israel marks the first official confirmation of such an action. Previously mentioned by sources, including the Axios website, citing anonymous officials, the suspension was reportedly intended as a warning to Israel, underlining the seriousness with which the US administration views the situation.

US President Joe Biden and other officials have repeatedly cautioned Israel in recent weeks against an assault on Rafah. Nevertheless, Israeli authorities assert they will carry out such an operation. On Monday, they deployed military forces into parts of the city and seized the border crossing with Egypt, but according to the US, this was merely a limited operation.

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