FoodUnseen impact: Excessive salt intake and its overlooked, dire health consequences

Unseen impact: Excessive salt intake and its overlooked, dire health consequences

Salting the cake
Salting the cake
Images source: © Adobe Stock | Alfred Hofer

9 February 2024 17:47

The tongue is an incredibly crucial organ. Thanks to it, we can talk, and identify different tastes. This special organ can identify five primary tastes — sweet, salty, spicy, sour, and umami. Salt is a staple food product that gives dishes a salty taste.

For years, people have discussed sugar addiction, but seldom talk about salt, which, like sugar, is found in almost all food products. We are often unaware that we consume too much salt each day, adversely affecting our health. What are the first symptoms of excessive salt consumption? Let us explain.

Salt isn't as healthy as it's represented

Salt happens to be one of the most vital food products. A small addition of salt can transform the taste of every dish. This unassuming powder also works as a preservative and even functions as an electrolyte. A small amount of salt is crucial for the body's proper functioning.

Issues arise when we start overconsuming it. According to the World Health Organization's guidelines, we shouldn't consume more than 5g of salt daily. Many of us consume significantly more, which results in serious health issues such as hypertension, stroke, or coronary heart disease.

Initial symptoms of excess salt in the body, which are easy to overlook

Our bodies are composed of 70 percent water. We excrete it through urine, hence the need to drink at least 2 liters of fluids daily, most of which should be water. Sometimes, the body begins to store water. This can be recognized by swelling on the face and body, one of the symptoms of excessive salt intake, as this component retains water in the body.

Do you need to drink a glass of water after a meal? Take a closer look at your diet. You are likely overconsuming salt, which leads to constant thirst. Another equally frequent symptom of excessive salt intake is migraines. Scientists have discovered that an excess of sodium can amplify migraines. In extreme cases, it can result in high blood pressure, augmenting the risk of stroke and coronary heart disease.

Health is paramount. If you want to stay healthy for as long as possible, limit the salt in your diet. Start with small steps and gradually reduce the amount of seasoning until you get to a point where you're using no more than 0.6g of salt a day — that's all our body requires.

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