FoodUnlocking the health benefits of American blueberries: A must-add to your juice menu

Unlocking the health benefits of American blueberries: A must-add to your juice menu

American blueberry up close
American blueberry up close
Images source: © Adobe Stock | Dreamnordno

5 February 2024 16:45, updated: 7 March 2024 09:16

Blueberry, a delightful seasonal fruit, tastes best during its blossoming period at the end of July and August. It can be consumed in several ways – eaten raw, as a dessert addition, or drunk as juice. Regular consumption of blueberry juice can bring a wealth of health benefits.

Blueberry - A little-appreciated fruit with numerous health properties

Summer is a time of the year when we can relish an abundance of different fruits and vegetables. There’s nothing quite like fruit picked straight from the tree or bush in our own garden. American blueberries, available in shops all year round, are at their best during the flowering period, which falls at the end of July and August.

Appealingly sweet, slightly tangy, and truly aromatic, we eagerly await its arrival throughout the year. Few realise the numerous health benefits that blueberries provide. Blueberries are a rich source of valuable micronutrients and macronutrients, essential for good health. Blueberries, and their juice, are full to the brim with these benefits. Here's how you can prepare it.

Blueberry juice – an abundant source of valuable nutrients

Blueberry juice is not just delicious, but also packs a nutritional punch. Adored by both children and adults, its one-of-a-kind flavour is not its only benefit. A glass of this purple tonic harbours a host of vital vitamins and elements.

Research indicates that regularly consuming American blueberry juice could enhance memory, concentration and learning ability. This juice also promotes cardiovascular health, aids the digestive and immune systems. Thanks to its considerably high antioxidant content, this juice can help your body fight off free radicals and oxidative stress.

Blueberry juice recipe


  • An arbitrary quantity of American blueberries,
  • optional: apple or any other fruit of your choice.


  1. Rinse the blueberries, let them dry, and remove any stems or leaves.
  2. Blend the fruit or use a juicer to extract the juice. You can add water to thin the juice, but bear in mind the most concentrated version offers the most health benefits.
  3. Your American blueberry juice is now ready. You can store it in jars or glass bottles by pasteurising it or consume it immediately.
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