FoodUnlocking the aroma and flavour of button mushrooms: a guide to cooking techniques and recipes

Unlocking the aroma and flavour of button mushrooms: a guide to cooking techniques and recipes

Add to the frying mushrooms. They will taste like mushrooms straight from the forest.
Add to the frying mushrooms. They will taste like mushrooms straight from the forest.
Images source: © Adobe Stock

10 February 2024 16:05

The crucial step in preparing fried mushrooms is to correctly regulate the temperature of your frying pan. These mushrooms have a high water content, which could result in a soft, tasteless meal. To avoid this, heat the frying pan on a high setting with oil and add the chopped mushrooms, but ensure to not add too many at one stage as it will reduce the temperature, leading to excessive juice being released.

Fry the mushrooms for a few minutes before adding salt to stop excessive juice being released. Keep frying until they become golden-brown, stirring the contents often.

Enhancing the taste: The secret combination of spices

Button mushrooms, brimming with umami flavour, can become even more delicious with the right sprinkling of spices. Add some fresh herbs, such as thyme and rosemary, and a touch of chilli to bring the taste alive. Do remember garlic, which complements mushrooms perfectly. Boost the taste even more by using soy sauce. A mix of soy sauce, chilli, and garlic will create a flavourful blend, enhancing your mushrooms' taste.

Recipe for mushrooms with soy sauce and wine


  • 600g of mushrooms,
  • 150ml of dry white wine,
  • 3 cloves of garlic,
  • a small dried chilli pepper,
  • some parsley,
  • 1.5 tablespoons of light soy sauce,
  • salt and pepper to taste,
  • oil.


  1. Clean the mushrooms and cut them into smaller pieces.
  2. Chop the garlic and crumble the chilli pepper.
  3. Heat some oil in a pan and sauté the garlic and the chilli pepper.
  4. Add mushrooms and soy sauce. Fry until the mushrooms soften and change colour.
  5. Add the wine and simmer for 5 minutes until the alcohol evaporates.
  6. Season with salt and pepper.
  7. Garnish with parsley and serve.

Mushrooms with soy sauce and wine make an excellent side for many dishes. You can serve them with meat, fish, pasta, or rice.

Despite sometimes being overlooked due to their mild flavour, when cooked correctly, button mushrooms can transform into a real gastronomic delight. Fried with the perfect mix of spices and simmered in white wine, they obtain a depth of flavour that is similar to wild mushrooms. Thanks to some easy cooking techniques, we can enjoy their full aroma and flavour, enhancing a variety of dishes.

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