Tips&TricksUnleashing the full potential of Zamioculcas: from survival to opulent blooming

Unleashing the full potential of Zamioculcas: from survival to opulent blooming

My zamioculcas finally bloomed.
My zamioculcas finally bloomed.
Images source: © Adobe Stock | Kokhan O

6 February 2024 14:22, updated: 7 March 2024 09:10

Plant enthusiasts maintain that Zamioculcas thrives when we treat it with a certain level of neglect and care for it only sporadically. While the plant can survive without extended exposure to light and water, this is not its preferred state. If the goal is to coax Zamioculcas into blooming, investing some time and attention, coupled with a bit of luck, is necessary.

How can you make Zamioculcas bloom?

Naturally, Zamioculcas produces lush inflorescences, but in a domestic setting, it may not always find the right conditions to do so. To compensate for this, make sure to create a favourable environment for it. The inflorescences of this plant form as a cob, bearing the distinctive feature of being a bright yellow colour and typically extending around 7 centimetres in length. Unlike other houseplants, Zamioculcas produces buds directly from the root ball, rather than having them grow at the ends of the leaves as many believe.

Why isn't your Zamioculcas blooming?

In Africa, where Zamioculcas originates, it is triggered to bloom during in the rainy seasons. This provides a useful guide for its care. Although our homes aren't tropical, that doesn't mean we can't simulate similar conditions. Proper ambient humidity is key to encouraging Zamioculcas to produce buds, and a humidifier can aid in this process. Using one allows for maintaining humidity levels between 50 and 60 percent, as opposed to the standard 30 percent. Some may question the safety of having such a humidity level for our health, but there's no need to worry.

What other conditions are necessary for Zamioculcas to bloom?

Should your Zamioculcas be stationed in the darkest corner of your room, it's unlikely to bloom. A lesser known fact is that this plant requires nearly 16 hours of sunlight each day to bloom. It would be recommendable to position it near an east or west window or install additional lighting. Soon enough, you shall observe a notable difference. Moreover, Zamioculcas is the kind of plant that requires rest to flower, which means it needs time for regeneration at lower temperatures. Care should be taken not to overwater it. Exposing it to winter and cold, perhaps by placing it on the porch, could encourage it to bloom.

If in spite of your efforts, your Zamioculcas fails to produce any flowers, it might be a sign indicating that it's time for repotting. A light, well-draining soil would be ideal as a substrate, particularly something designed for succulents. Make sure to lay down a layer of expanded clay at the bottom of the pot to drain away excess water. Finally, don't forget to fertilize your Zamioculcas. A mix of banana peel and water would make for an excellent homemade fertilizer. Water your plant with this solution at least once every fortnight and watch it flourish.

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