NewsUkrainian conscripts flock to recruitment centres to update details

Ukrainian conscripts flock to recruitment centres to update details

Images source: © Telegram

16 July 2024 19:11

Crowds of men of conscription age have been lining up since the morning in front of military recruitment centres in Ukraine. Today is their last day to update their details in the application or at military units. Otherwise, they may be considered wanted.

In many Ukrainian cities, crowds of young men of conscription age have been lining up in front of military recruitment centres since the morning. This is related to the new law concerning mobilisation.

"Citizens of Ukraine who have not updated their details and input them into the application or military units may be considered wanted," announced the Ukrainian Ministry of Defence. Tuesday is the last day to do this. Afterwards, men of conscription age can expect severe consequences.

- If a conscript ignores the summons and the military registration rules, they could be placed on the wanted list after 16 July – said Deputy Minister of Defence Kateryna Czernohorenko.

Ukrainian conscripts in queues. They want to avoid punishment

"Citizens who have not updated their details in time can be fined between £370 and £540," - reminded the portal Suspilne on its Facebook profile.

It publishes pictures from one of the recruitment centres, where young men have been waiting in long queues since the morning.

The ministry emphasizes that if a person does not sign notifications received from TCC (equivalent of Military Recruitment Office) or Ukrposhta, i.e., summons, then such notification will be considered delivered – same as in the case of a court summons.

- If someone ignores the summons for a certain time, they will be considered wanted - confirmed a representative of the Ministry of Defence.

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