TechUkraine anticipates F-16 arrivals: A game changer in air dominance, or a delayed promise?

Ukraine anticipates F‑16 arrivals: A game changer in air dominance, or a delayed promise?

American fighter F-16
American fighter F-16
Images source: © Getty Images | SeongJoon Cho
Norbert Garbarek

18 February 2024 21:17

The F-16 fighters currently rank amongst the most coveted aircraft in Ukraine. Many experts agree with this, emphasizing that the planes will empower Ukrainians to establish air dominance over the Russian Federation's army. Concrete figures have also been cited, predicting a game changer during the war with the arrival of 100-120 F-16s.

When will F-16s arrive in Ukraine?

Notwithstanding the contention by aviation expert Roman Svitan that, in his opinion, F-16s are already prepared for front line combat and that the first aircraft will soon appear in Ukrainian skies, no evidence has yet been produced verifying the presence of such fighters in the Ukrainian army. Let's also recall that the capabilities of the F-16 were recently gauged by a Ukrainian pilot who trained on the aforementioned aircraft. He opined, "the fighter exceeded the pilots' expectations".

So, when exactly will F-16s appear in the Ukrainian sky? The Lithuanian defence minister, Arvydas Anušauskas, recently shared his thoughts. He asserted, I believe we'll see them in Ukraine in June. Additionally, another European official confirmed the timetable suggested by the Lithuanian at the Security Conference in Munich, reported by the Unian agency.

F-16 fighters

We should remind you that F-16 fighters are deemed amongst the most state-of-the-art and potent fighters globally. They can accelerate up to roughly Mach 2 and operate at an altitude of up to 15,000 metres. In their standard set-up, their range reaches 3,200 km, and with additional fuel tanks fitted, this can extend to 4,200 km.

However, it's pertinent to note that their armament primarily drives the effectiveness of the F-16s. In this respect, it should be noted that the basic armament of the American fighter includes a six-barrel M61 Vulcan cannon with a 20 mm calibre. A variety of bombs and missiles can also be attached to the aircraft. These include AIM-9 Sidewinder missiles or AGM-65 Maverick.

While it is not currently confirmed what armament will accompany the F-16s to Ukraine, recent reports suggest it will include AGM-158 JASSM missiles, also used by the Polish army. This weapon can reach a range of about 400 km in its basic configuration and is outfitted with the penetrating WDU-42/B warhead, weighing over 430 kg. It operates in three modes: detonation on impact, delayed explosion, or airburst at a specified altitude.

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