NewsTrump vows no protection for Prince Harry amidst questions over his immigration status

Trump vows no protection for Prince Harry amidst questions over his immigration status

On the left Donald Trump, on the right Prince Harry.
On the left Donald Trump, on the right Prince Harry.
Images source: © Getty Images | Tristan Fewings, Win McNamee
ed. PJM

26 February 2024 14:46

According to a report by the New York Post, Donald Trump has claimed that Joe Biden's administration has been far too lenient when dealing with Prince Harry. "I believe they were overly kind to him, considering his actions," he commented. Trump issued a warning during the Conservative Political Action Conference that was held on Saturday in Oxon Hill, Washington, stating that if he were to win the election, he wouldn't offer the prince any protection.

"I'd not offer him any protection. He's betrayed the Queen. This is an unforgivable act. He'd have to fend for himself, if it were up to me," the former president said while speaking to "The Express". Currently, Prince Harry and his wife are residing in California. The conservative think tank "Heritage Foundation" has raised questions regarding the prince's immigration status. Experts are asserting that at the age of 39, it may not have been legal for him to enter the United States, due to his open admission of drug use.

For immigrants who wish to be admitted to the United States, admitting to drug misuse can pose a serious problem. According to a legal challenge posed by the Heritage Foundation, typically, American law "doesn't permit entry to such an individual." Nonetheless, the news reported in the New York Post suggests that the lawyers representing the Department of Homeland Security have provided a counterargument, stating that the information presented in Prince Harry's book is not considered "sworn testimony or evidence."

It is a fact that marriage to a U.S. citizen can grant an immigrant the right to a green card. As reported by the New York Post, it still remains unclear what type of visa Prince Harry used to enter the country.

Source: New York Post

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